Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses With Seats Available
Spring, 2026

01:59 pm, Monday March 31, 2025

CRN   SUBJ NUM     TITLE                                      UNIT       CRED INSTR_MODE                     DAYS  TIME            DAYS  ADDL      P       SEATS INSTRUCTOR
----- ---- ------- ---------------------------------------- ------ ---------- ------------------------------ ----- --------------- ----- --------- -- ---------- ------------------------------
10442 AMST 200D.00 Liberal Democracy in America                .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                     8 Elliott-Dorans,L
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                      8

10488 ANTH 111.01  Intro Biological Anthropology               .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    24 Hardy,B
10489 ANTH 111.02  Intro Biological Anthropology               .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    24 Murphy,K
10490 ANTH 112.01  Introduction to Archaeology                 .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    24 Petras,E
10491 ANTH 112.02  Introduction to Archaeology                 .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    24 Gallareta Cervera,T
10492 ANTH 113.01  Intr to Cultural Anthropology               .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    24 Ibrahim,E
10493 ANTH 113.02  Intr to Cultural Anthropology               .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    24 Ibrahim,E
10494 ANTH 113.03  Intr to Cultural Anthropology               .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    20 Pack,S
10495 ANTH 200.00  Commodities & Consumption                   .50          4                                WF    0840-1000             -                    20 Petras,E
10496 ANTH 253.00  Anthropology of Mass Media                  .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    15 Pack,S
10498 ANTH 300.00  Arch of the African Diaspora                .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    15 Petras,E
10499 ANTH 321.00  Linguistic Anthropology                     .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    15 Ibrahim,E
10501 ANTH 327.00  Narrative Lives                             .50          4                                M     1310-1600             -                    15 Pack,S
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    244

10011 ARHS 110.00  Intro Western Art:Ancient-Med               .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    28 LaGatta,A
10630 ARHS 111.00  Intro Western Art:Ren-Contemp               .50          4                                TR    0810-0930             -                    28 Ezor,D
10012 ARHS 114.00  Introduction to Asian Art                   .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    28 Yu,P
10013 ARHS 116.00  Introduction to African Art                 .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    28 Calvin,K
10014 ARHS 221.00  Roman Art                                   .50                                           MWF   1410-1500             -                    22 LaGatta,A
10016 ARHS 228.00  History of Photography                      .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    22 Porter,A
10017 ARHS 231.00  Cold War Modern Art                         .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    22 Porter,A
10018 ARHS 235.00  Art of China                                .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    22 Yu,P
10640 ARHS 291.00  ST: Art, Money, Museums                     .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    16 Calvin,K
10019 ARHS 373.00  Topics in Ancient Art                       .50          4                                T     1310-1600             -                    15 LaGatta,A
10606 ARHS 375.00  Ecocritical Approaches                      .50          4                                R     1310-1600             -                    12 Ezor,D
10020 ARHS 377.00  Top. Mod Art: Avant-Garde                   .50          4                                W     1310-1600             -                    15 Zhou,Y
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    258

10372 ARTS 102.00  Drawing I                                   .50          4                                TR    0810-1100             -                    12 Baldwin,R
10373 ARTS 103.00  Sculpture I                                 .50          4                                TR    0810-1100             -                    12 Ishimura,M
10374 ARTS 105.00  Design Foundations                          .50          4                                MWF   0910-1100             -                    12 Oehmke,A
10375 ARTS 106.00  Photography I                               .50          4                                TR    0810-1100             -                    12 Hackbardt,M
10376 ARTS 107.00  Digital Imaging                             .50          4                                MWF   1210-1400             -                    12 Dr. Staff
10377 ARTS 109.00  Creative Coding                             .50          4                                MWF   1410-1600             -                    12 Zeller,E
10378 ARTS 221.00  Photography II                              .50          4                                TR    1310-1600             -                    12 Hackbardt,M
10379 ARTS 230.00  Figure Drawing                              .50          4                                TR    1410-1600             -                    12 Baldwin,R
10381 ARTS 291.01  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                MWF   1310-1500             -                    12 Oehmke,A
10382 ARTS 291.02  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                MWF   0910-1100             -                    12 Dr. Staff
10383 ARTS 310.00  Sculpt II: Materiality & Methd              .50          4                                TR    1310-1600             -                    12 Ishimura,M
10386 ARTS 481.01  Advanced Studio                             .50          4                                MWF   1510-1600             -                    14 Hill,C
10387 ARTS 481.02  Advanced Studio                             .50          4                                T     1900-2200             -                    14 Ishimura,M
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    160

10371 AMES 101.00  Intro Asian & Mid East Studies              .50          4                                M     1900-2200             -                    12 Schubel,V
10362 AMES 490.00  SrSem:Asia Comprtv Perspective              .50          4                                R     1310-1600             -                    10 Li,L
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     22

10614 BIOL 116.01  Information in Living Systems               .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    30 Dr. Staff
10615 BIOL 116.02  Information in Living Systems               .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    30 Dr. Staff
10616 BIOL 211.00  Health Service & Biomed Analys              .50          4                                M     1310-1600             -                    14 Kropp,P
10617 BIOL 238.00  Microbiology                                .50          4                                MWF   0810-0900             -                    30 Hillman,E
10618 BIOL 239.00  Experimental Microbiology                   .25          2                                R     1310-1600             -                    11 Hillman,E
10619 BIOL 241.00  Evolution                                   .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    24 Wright,N
10620 BIOL 245.00  Plant Physiology                            .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    24 Regmi,K
10621 BIOL 246.00  Experimental Plant Physiology               .25          2                                W     1310-1600             -                    11 Regmi,K
10622 BIOL 264.00  Gene Manipulation                           .25          2                                T     1310-1600             -                    11 Powell,W
10623 BIOL 267.00  Experimental Cell Biology                   .25          2                                R     1310-1600             -                    11 Dr. Staff
10624 BIOL 271.00  Human Physiology                            .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    24 Kropp,P
10625 BIOL 330.00  Ornithology                                 .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    15 Wright,N
10626 BIOL 331.00  Ornithology in Practice                     .25          2                                W     1310-1600             -                    15 Tsunekage,T
10628 BIOL 391.00  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                WF    0840-1000             -                    12 Dr. Staff
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    262

10601 CHEM 112.00  Chemistry & Climate Change                  .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    16 Keller,J
10579 CHEM 124.01  Introductory Chemistry II                   .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    45 Keller,J
10580 CHEM 124.02  Introductory Chemistry II                   .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    45 Keller,J
10581 CHEM 126.01  Introductory Chemistry Lab II               .25          2                                M     1310-1600             -                    14 Garcia,S
10582 CHEM 126.02  Introductory Chemistry Lab II               .25          2                                T     1310-1600             -                    14 Mauck,K
10584 CHEM 126.04  Introductory Chemistry Lab II               .25          2                                R     1310-1600             -                    14 Mauck,K
10585 CHEM 231.01  Organic Chemistry I                         .50          4                                MWF   0810-0900             -                    25 Getzler,Y
10586 CHEM 231.02  Organic Chemistry I                         .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    25 Getzler,Y
10587 CHEM 233.01  Organic Chemistry Lab I                     .25          2                                T     1310-1600             -                    15 Hunsen,M
10588 CHEM 233.02  Organic Chemistry Lab I                     .25          2                                W     1310-1600             -                    15 Hunsen,M
10589 CHEM 233.03  Organic Chemistry Lab I                     .25          2                                R     1310-1600             -                    15 Dr. Staff
10591 CHEM 256.00  Biochemistry                                .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    45 Hofferberth,J
10592 CHEM 341.00  Instrumental Analysis                       .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    16 Mauck,K
10595 CHEM 372.00  Advanced Lab:Inorganic                      .25          2                                W     1310-1600             -                     8 Dr. Staff
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    312

10179 CLAS 101.00  Greek Civilization                          .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    30 Myers,M
10180 CLAS 122.00  Roman Archaeology                           .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    30 Kontes,Z
10181 CLAS 191.01  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    16 Serfass,A
10182 CLAS 191.02  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    30 Dr. Staff
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    106

10186 GREK 202.00  Intermediate Greek: Homer                   .50          4                                MWF   1410-1500             -                    10 Dr. Staff
10188 GREK 302.00  Advanced Greek                              .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    10 Myers,M
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     20

10195 LATN 202.00  Intermediate Latin: Vergil                  .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    12 Barich,M
10197 LATN 302.00  Advanced Latin                              .50          4                                MWF   1510-1600             -                    12 Dr. Staff
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     24

10642 COMP 118.01  Introduction to Programming                 .50          4                                TR    0810-0930             -                    25 Aydin,N
10643 COMP 118.02  Introduction to Programming                 .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    25 Dr. Staff
10644 COMP 318.00  Software Development                        .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    25 Skon,J
10649 COMP 368.00  Applied Algorithms                          .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    25 Skon,J
10646 COMP 401.00  Computing Seminar                           .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    20 Wade,M
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    120

10535 DANC 103.00  Movement for Performance                    .25          2                                MW    1010-1130             -                    20 Radella Feller,K
10536 DANC 106.00  Contact Improvisation                       .25          2                                MW    1210-1330             -                    25 Radella Feller,K
10539 DANC 215.00  Contemporary Dance History                  .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    10 Craig-Quijada,B
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     55

10542 DRAM 220.00  Acting                                      .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    14 Viccellio,B
10544 DRAM 243.00  Lighting Design                             .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    10 Wolf,R
10545 DRAM 255.00  The Modern Theater                          .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    16 Dr. Staff
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     40

10548 FILM 256.00  African American Film                       .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    20 Tazewell,J
10552 FILM 480.00  Senior Seminar in Film                      .50          4                                F     1310-1600             -                    12 Tazewell,J
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     32

10521 ECON 102.01  Princ of Macroeconomics                     .50          4                                MWF   0810-0900             -                    25 Glandon,P
10522 ECON 102.02  Princ of Macroeconomics                     .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    25 Diethorn,H
10523 ECON 102.03  Princ of Macroeconomics                     .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    25 Diethorn,H
10524 ECON 102.04  Princ of Macroeconomics                     .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    25 Dr. Staff
10525 ECON 102.05  Princ of Macroeconomics                     .50          4                                MWF   1510-1600             -                    25 Dr. Staff
10526 ECON 202.01  Macroeconomic Theory                        .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    30 Glandon,P
10527 ECON 202.02  Macroeconomic Theory                        .50          4                                MWF   1410-1500             -                    30 Glandon,P
10528 ECON 205.00  Introduction to Econometrics                .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    16 Treber,J
10529 ECON 332.00  Urban and Regional Economics                .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    25 Black,K
10532 ECON 336.00  Environmental Economics                     .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    25 Dr. Staff
10533 ECON 342.00  Economics of Regulation                     .50          4                                WF    0840-1000             -                    25 Treber,J
10531 ECON 344.00  Labor Economics                             .50          4                                MWF   1410-1500             -                    25 Diethorn,H
10530 ECON 360.00  Game Theory                                 .50          4                                MWF   1510-1600             -                    25 Corrigan,J
10534 ECON 470.00  Behavioral Public Policy Sem                .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                     8 Corrigan,J
10602 ECON 479.00  Economics with GIS                          .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                     8 Black,K
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    342

10455 ENGL 104.01  Bodily Matters                              .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    15 Lau,T
10456 ENGL 104.02  Seductions                                  .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    15 Lobanov-Rostovsky,S
10457 ENGL 104.03  Literary Locations                          .50          4                                TR    0810-0930             -                    15 Murthy,P
10458 ENGL 200.01  Intro Fiction Writing                       .50          4                                TR    0810-0930             -                    15 Quinn,A
10459 ENGL 200.02  Intro Fiction Writing                       .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    15 Quinn,A
10460 ENGL 200.03  Intro Fiction Writing                       .50          4                                TR    0810-0930             -                    15 Sukrungruang,I
10461 ENGL 201.01  Introduction to Poetry Writing              .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    15 Grace,A
10462 ENGL 201.02  Introduction to Poetry Writing              .50          4                                R     1310-1600             -                    15 Leong,M
10463 ENGL 211.00  Theory & Practc Life-Writing                .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    20 Heidt,S
10464 ENGL 212.00  Intro to Literary Theory                    .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    20 Murthy,P
10465 ENGL 213.00  Texting: Reading like an Eng M              .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    20 Schoenfeld,J
10466 ENGL 220.00  Shakespeare                                 .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    20 Lobanov-Rostovsky,S
10467 ENGL 235.00  Poetic Inheritances                         .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    20 Brown,P
10603 ENGL 269.00  Intro Caribbean Literature                  .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    20 Fernando,K
10469 ENGL 281.00  Midwestern Poetics                          .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    20 Grace,A
10671 ENGL 308.0   Literary Citizenship                        .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    18 Dutton,N
10474 ENGL 318.00  Science Fiction and Fantasy                 .50          4                                WF    0840-1000             -                    20 Brown,P
10475 ENGL 331.00  The Reformation                             .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    20 Davidson,A
10476 ENGL 357.00  19th-Century Novel                          .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    20 Lau,T
10477 ENGL 359.00  Middlemarch                                 .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    20 Heidt,S
10478 ENGL 365.00  The Modern Novel                            .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    20 Matz,J
10479 ENGL 369.00  Canadian Literature & Culture               .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    20 Fernando,K
10604 ENGL 382.00  Black Joy and Resilience                    .50          4                                WF    0840-1000             -                    20 Schoenfeld,J
10480 ENGL 391.00  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    20 Davidson,A
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    438

10512 ENVS 112.00  Intro to Environmental Studies              .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    35 Fennessy,S
10513 ENVS 220.00  Applied Environmental Analysis              .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    16 Dr. Staff
10514 ENVS 231.00  Earth Systems Science                       .50          4                                WF    0840-1000             -                    24 Heindel,R
10515 ENVS 342.00  Disease Ecology                             .50          4                                TR    0810-0930             -                    18 Levin,I
10516 ENVS 343.00  Managed Ecosystems                          .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    18 Schmitt,L
10518 ENVS 461.01  Sem in Environmental Studies                .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    12 Heindel,R
10519 ENVS 461.02  Sem in Environmental Studies                .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    12 Heindel,R
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    135

10206 GSS  111.00  Intro to Gender & SexualitySt               .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    25 Aggarwal,A
10208 GSS  242.00  Transnational Feminisms                     .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    15 Pruett,J
10209 GSS  331.00  Gender, Power, and Knowledge                .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    15 Rufo,J
10647 GSS  350.00  Gen Sex & Politics of Pop Musc              .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    15 Pruett,J
10210 GSS  481.00  Senior Colloquium                           .50          4                                M     1310-1600             -                    15 Pruett,J
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     85

10555 HIST 100.00  History First-Year Seminar                  .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    15 Kilic-Schubel,N
10556 HIST 120.00  Early Latin America                         .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    25 Franco,R
10557 HIST 132.00  Modern Europe                               .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    20 Ehrenfreund,M
10558 HIST 160.00  Modern East Asia                            .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    20 Li,L
10559 HIST 176.00  Contemporary Black History                  .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    20 McNair,G
10560 HIST 209.00  History of N Amer Indians                   .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    25 Bottiger,P
10561 HIST 227.00  British History, 1485-Present               .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    25 Buxton,H
10576 HIST 234.00  Old Regime & French Revolution              .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    25 Rivest,J
10562 HIST 238.00  Scientific Rev. Euro 1543-1800              .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    25 Rivest,J
10563 HIST 258.00  Ottoman Empire                              .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    20 Kilic-Schubel,N
10564 HIST 291.00  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    25 Franco,R
10565 HIST 310.00  The Civil War                               .50          4                                M     1310-1600             -                    12 McNair,G
10641 HIST 324.00  Gender & Sexuality Latin Amer               .50          4                                M     1310-1600             -                    12 Franco,R
10574 HIST 331.00  Anything Goes, Roaring 20s                  .50          4                                M     1900-2200             -                    12 Coulibaly,S
10566 HIST 333.00  Freud's Vienna:Cltr,Polit,Art               .50          4                                T     1310-1600             -                    12 Ablovatski,E
10567 HIST 387.00  Practice and Theory of History              .50          4                                T     1310-1600             -                    12 Buxton,H
10568 HIST 391.01  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                W     1900-2200             -                    12 Rivest,J
10569 HIST 391.02  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                R     1310-1600             -                    12 Buxton,H
10571 HIST 391.04  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                M     1900-2200             -                    12 Kilic-Schubel,N
10573 HIST 426.00  Fight for the Great Lakes                   .50          4                                W     1900-2200             -                    12 Bottiger,P
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    353

10599 INDS 120.00  Method Promoting Sci Understan              .25          2                                F     1310-1600             -                    12 Rouhier,M
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     12

10408 INST 201.00  Expansion of Intern'l Society               .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    20 Ablovatski,E
10577 INST 272.00  Methods for Interdisc Research              .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    15 Klesner,J
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     35

10369 IPHS 225.00  Galileo to Einstein                         .50          4                                T     1900-2200             -                    15 Schumacher,B
10367 IPHS 300.00  AI for Humanity                             .50          4                                W     1900-2200             -                    15 Elkins,K
10368 IPHS 484.00  Senior Research Seminar                     .50          4                                      -                     -                    15 Elkins,K
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     45

10391 LGLS 310.00  Crimmigration Law                           .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    15 Levesque,C
10388 LGLS 410.00  Senior Seminar Legal Studies                .50          4                                M     1310-1600             -                    15 Levesque,C
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     30

10650 MATH 105.00  Surprises at Infinity                       .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    20 Milnikel,B
10651 MATH 111.01  Calculus I                                  .50          4                                MWF   0810-0900             -                    25 Gee,M
10652 MATH 111.02  Calculus I                                  .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    25 Gee,M
10653 MATH 111.03  Calculus I                                  .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    25 Holdener,J
10654 MATH 112.00  Calculus II                                 .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    25 Snipes,M
10655 MATH 212.00  Sequences and Series                        .25          2                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    25 Holdener,J
10656 MATH 213.00  Multivariable Calculus                      .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    25 Dr. Staff
10657 MATH 222.01  Foundations                                 .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    16 Milnikel,B
10658 MATH 222.02  Foundations                                 .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    16 Milnikel,B
10659 MATH 224.00  Linear Algebra                              .50          4                                MWF   1410-1500             -                    25 Dr. Staff
10660 MATH 325.00  Applied Linear Algebra                      .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    20 Gee,M
10661 MATH 328.00  Coding Theory and Cryptography              .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    20 Aydin,N
10662 MATH 360.00  Topology                                    .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    20 Snipes,M
10663 MATH 435.00  Abstract Algebra II                         .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    16 Holdener,J
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    303

10664 STAT 106.01  Elements of Statistics                      .50          4                                MWF   0810-0900             -                    25 Dr. Staff
10665 STAT 106.02  Elements of Statistics                      .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    25 Dr. Staff
10666 STAT 106.03  Elements of Statistics                      .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    25 Jones,B
10667 STAT 106.04  Elements of Statistics                      .50          4                                MWF   1410-1500             -                    25 Jones,B
10668 STAT 206.00  Data Analysis                               .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    25 Hartlaub,B
10669 STAT 306.00  Top in Stat: Bayesian Analysis              .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    20 Jones,B
10670 STAT 436.00  Mathematical Statistics                     .50          4                                MWF   1410-1500             -                    20 Hartlaub,B
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    165

10312 ARBC 322.00  Advanced Arabic II                          .50          4                                MWF   1410-1500             -                     6 Sadek,R
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                      6

10308 CHNS 322.00  Chinese Language & Culture                  .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    15 Bai,J
10309 CHNS 391.00  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    10 Sun,C
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     25

10414 FREN 291.00  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    18 Curtis,I
10413 FREN 328.00  Mod French&Francophone Culture              .50          4                                MWF   1410-1500             -                    18 Guiney,M
10415 FREN 391.00  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    18 Dairon,P
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     54

10365 GERM 326.00  Appr German Lit & Culture II                .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    12 Riegert,L
10366 GERM 391.00  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    12 Gebhardt,P
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     24

10010 ITAL 341.00  Visions of Italy & Italianness              .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    15 Dubrovic,S
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     15

10004 JAPN 291.00  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                M     1900-2200             -                    15 Dr. Staff
10005 JAPN 322.00  Japanese Culture and Society                .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    10 Dr. Staff
10006 JAPN 351.00  From Old Tales to Pop Culture               .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    10 Xie,K
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     35

10356 MLL  100.00  2nd Lang Acquisition & Teach                .25          2                                T     0940-1100             -                    18 Malone,M
10313 MLL  291.00  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                W     1900-2200             -                    12 Carter,P
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     30

10360 RUSS 322.00  Adv Russian Language & Culture              .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    10 Aydinyan,A
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     10

10319 SPAN 343.00  Don Quijote                                 .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    18 Hartnett,D
10320 SPAN 388.00  Literary Translation                        .50          4                                MWF   1510-1600             -                    18 Hedeen,K
10321 SPAN 391.01  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    18 Quiroz Ciriaco,V
10322 SPAN 391.02  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    18 Couso Diaz,S
10323 SPAN 391.03  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    18 Dr. Staff
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     90

10505 MUSC 102.00  Musical Style                               .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    23 Heuchemer,D
10506 MUSC 105.00  Composers and Their World                   .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    25 Sanders,R
10508 MUSC 202.00  Medieval & Renaissance                      .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    15 Heuchemer,D
10509 MUSC 309.00  History of Opera                            .50          4                                W     1900-2200             -                    12 Sanders,R
10575 MUSC 465.00  Level-IV Percussion                         .25          4                                      -                     -                    10 Dachtyl,C
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     85

10329 NEUR 212.00  Neuroscience                                .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    20 Pedroza Llinas,R
10330 NEUR 250.00  Research Design & Analysis                  .50          4                                WF    0840-1000             -                    12 White,A
10331 NEUR 265.00  Behavioral Neuro Adolescence                .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    20 White,A
10332 NEUR 275D.00 Animal Cognition                            .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                     8 Engell,A
10334 NEUR 300.00  Neuroscience of Emotions                    .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    20 Pedroza Llinas,R
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     80

10304 HSPS 170.00  Sports Medicine and Wellness                .25          2                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    10 Massie,N
10305 HSPS 184.00  Wilderness First Aid                        .25          2                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    10 Heithaus,E
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     20

10324 PHSD 110.30  Personal Fitness                            .13          1                                TR    1310-1430             -                    10 McClellan,S
10325 PHSD 110.40  Personal Fitness                            .13          1                                TR    0940-1100             -                    10 Corbett,M
10326 PHSD 126.40  Intro to 5K Running                         .13          1                                TR    1310-1430             -                    15 Good,I
10327 PHSD 132.30  Beginning Weight Training                   .13          1                                TR    1440-1600             -                    12 Melgar,K
10328 PHSD 182.30  CPR and First Aid                           .13          1                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    10 Williams,E
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                     57

10451 PHIL 100.00  Introduction to Philosophy                  .50          4                                MWF   1510-1600             -                    25 Lottenbach,H
10445 PHIL 105.00  Introduction to Logic                       .50          4                                TR    0810-0930             -                    25 Bradner,A
10450 PHIL 208.00  Contemp Political Philosophy                .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    25 Lottenbach,H
10448 PHIL 210.00  Modern Philosophy                           .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    25 Waller,R
10446 PHIL 235.00  Philosophy of Law                           .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    25 Bradner,A
10447 PHIL 240.00  Philosophy of Religion                      .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    20 DePascuale,J
10453 PHIL 250.00  Existential Themes                          .50          4                                WF    0840-1000       R     1900-2200            15 DePascuale,J
10452 PHIL 348.00  Kant's Practical Philosophy                 .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    20 Lottenbach,H
10449 PHIL 400.00  Ethics Seminar                              .50          4                                M     1310-1600             -                    20 Waller,R
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    200

10169 PHYS 101.00  Rocket Science                              .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    24 Schumacher,B
10170 PHYS 102.00  Good Nukes, Bad Nukes                       .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    32 Reinhard,A
10171 PHYS 135.00  General Physics II                          .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    48 Giblin,T
10172 PHYS 136.01  Intro to Exp. Physics II                    .25          2                                M     1310-1600             -                    14 Reinhard,A
10173 PHYS 136.02  Intro to Exp. Physics II                    .25          2                                M     1900-2200             -                    14 Peiris,F
10174 PHYS 136.03  Intro to Exp. Physics II                    .25          2                                T     1310-1600             -                    14 Loveland,G
10178 PHYS 245.00  Oscillations & Waves                        .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    24 Sullivan,T
10184 PHYS 270.00  Intro to Computational Physics              .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    24 Giblin,T
10189 PHYS 345.00  Astrophysics and Particles                  .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    20 Wade,M
10190 PHYS 355.00  Optics                                      .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    16 Peiris,F
10192 PHYS 385.00  Adv Experimental Physics 1                  .25          2                                T     1310-1600             -                    18 Turner,P
10193 PHYS 387.00  Adv Experimental Physics 3                  .25          2                                R     1310-1600             -                    18 Turner,P
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    266

10441 PSCI 200D.00 Liberal Democracy in America                .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    17 Elliott-Dorans,L
10424 PSCI 221.01  Modern Quest for Justice                    .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    25 Spiekerman,T
10425 PSCI 221.02  Modern Quest for Justice                    .50          4                                MWF   1410-1500             -                    25 Spiekerman,T
10426 PSCI 240.01  Modern Democracy                            .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    25 Camerra-Rowe,P
10427 PSCI 240.02  Modern Democracy                            .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    25 Camerra-Rowe,P
10428 PSCI 260.01  International Relations                     .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    25 Rowe,D
10429 PSCI 260.02  International Relations                     .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    25 Rowe,D
10430 PSCI 280.00  Political Analysis                          .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    25 McGee,Z
10431 PSCI 300.00  Congress&Public Policymaking                .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    25 McGee,Z
10443 PSCI 301.00  The American Presidency                     .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    25 Elliott-Dorans,L
10432 PSCI 351.00  States, Nations, Nationalism                .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    20 Van Holde,S
10433 PSCI 354.00  Latinos in American Democracy               .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    20 Powers,N
10434 PSCI 363.00  Global Environmental Politics               .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    20 Van Holde,S
10439 PSCI 421.00  Socrates Seminar                            .50          4                                W     1900-2200             -                    15 Leibowitz,D
10435 PSCI 449.00  Democracy in Crisis                         .50          4                                R     1310-1600             -                    15 Camerra-Rowe,P
10440 PSCI 463.00  Am Env Politics & Policy                    .50          4                                M     1900-2200             -                    15 Van Holde,S
10437 PSCI 465.00  International Terrorism                     .50          4                                W     1900-2200             -                    15 Rowe,D
10438 PSCI 476.00  Rules for the World                         .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    15 McAllister,J
10436 PSCI 477.00  Politics of Intl Criminal Law               .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    15 McAllister,J
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    392

10672 PSYC 100.00  Introduction to Psychology                  .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    35 Dickens,L
10675 PSYC 221.00  Adult Psychopath & Soc Suffrng              .50          4                                TR    0810-0930             -                    25 López,I
10676 PSYC 223.00  Child Development                           .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    25 Dr. Staff
10677 PSYC 225.00  Social Psychology                           .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    25 Ewell,P
10678 PSYC 231.00  Positive Psychology                         .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    25 Dickens,L
10679 PSYC 235.00  Environmental Psychology                    .50          4                                MWF   1410-1500             -                    25 Dickens,L
10680 PSYC 246.00  Psychology of Women & Gender                .50          4                                WF    0840-1000             -                    25 Singh,M
10674 PSYC 250.00  Research Methods in Psychology              .50          4                                MWF   0910-1000             -                    15 Dr. Staff
10333 PSYC 275D.00 Animal Cognition                            .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    15 Engell,A
10681 PSYC 303.00  Learning & Motivation                       .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    15 Millin-Lipnos,P
10682 PSYC 307.00  Language Disorders                          .50          4                                M     1310-1600             -                    20 Payne,T
10683 PSYC 310.00  Cognitive Neuroscience                      .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    15 Engell,A
10684 PSYC 326.00  Scientific Stdy of Personality              .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    15 Murnen,S
10685 PSYC 342.00  Helping Professions in Psyc                 .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    15 Aggarwal,A
10686 PSYC 348.00  Adolescence                                 .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    15 Krieg,D
10687 PSYC 349.00  Stereotype, Racism, Prejudice               .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    15 Stevenson,M
10688 PSYC 391.01  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    15 Singh,M
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    340

10198 RLST 104.00  Race, Ethnicity & Religion                  .50          4                                R     1900-2200             -                    15 Maldonado Rivera,D
10200 RLST 125.00  New Testament                               .50          4                                TR    0810-0930             -                    20 Maldonado Rivera,D
10199 RLST 150.00  Hinduism in its Religious Ctxt              .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    20 Rocklin,A
10202 RLST 247.00  Zombie Religion                             .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    14 Rocklin,A
10203 RLST 265.00  Zen Buddhism                                .50          4                                M     1310-1600             -                    14 Brennan,J
10201 RLST 295.00  Islam in North America                      .50          4                                T     1900-2200             -                    12 Schubel,V
10205 RLST 335.00  Religious Fund Contemp Wrld                 .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    14 Rocklin,A
10605 RLST 360.00  Relg Social Imagina & Activism              .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    14 Brennan,J
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    123

10390 SOCY 102.00  Social Dreamers                             .50          4                                MWF   1010-1100             -                    12 McCarthy,G
10392 SOCY 106.00  Soc Issues/Cultrl Intersection              .50          4                                WF    1410-1530             -                    25 Kohlman,M
10393 SOCY 107.00  Institutions and Inequalities               .50          4                                TR    0810-0930             -                    25 Johnson,A
10394 SOCY 226.00  Sociology of Law                            .50          4                                TR    0940-1100             -                    20 Levesque,C
10395 SOCY 232.00  Sexual Harassment                           .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    20 Kohlman,M
10396 SOCY 233.00  Sociology of Food                           .50          4                                TR    1440-1600             -                    20 Johnson,J
10397 SOCY 236.00  Pop Culture:Window Inequality               .50          4                                WF    0840-1000             -                    20 Johnson,A
10398 SOCY 237.00  Borders and Border Crossings                .50          5                                WF    1410-1530             -                    14 Johnson,J
10520 SOCY 238.00  Environmental Sociology                     .50          4                                TR    1310-1430             -                    20 Theis,N
10399 SOCY 250.00  Systems of Stratification                   .50          4                                MWF   1110-1200             -                    14 Kohlman,M
10400 SOCY 262.00  Classical Trad to Contemp Thry              .50          4                                MWF   1210-1300             -                    20 Villegas,C
10401 SOCY 271.00  Methods of Social Research                  .50          4                                MWF   1310-1400             -                    20 Theis,N
10402 SOCY 375.00  Community-Based Research                    .50          4                                R     1900-2200             -                    10 Theis,N
10403 SOCY 391.00  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                WF    0840-1000             -                    10 Cottingham,M
10406 SOCY 426.00  Civil Society & Social Theory               .50          4                                W     1900-2200             -                    10 Villegas,C
10404 SOCY 432.00  Global Cities                               .50          4                                M     1310-1600             -                    10 Johnson,J
10405 SOCY 491.00  ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                    .50          4                                T     1310-1600             -                    10 Cottingham,M
      ****                                                                                                                                            ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                                    280


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