------ ---- ----- ------------------------------
202610 ARTS 109 Creative Coding
202610 DANC 320 Intermediate Labanotation
202610 ECON 102 Princ of Macroeconomics
ECON 202 Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 205 Introduction to Econometrics
ECON 336 Environmental Economics
ECON 342 Economics of Regulation
ECON 344 Labor Economics
ECON 470 Behavioral Public Policy Sem
202610 ENVS 220 Applied Environmental Analysis
202610 IPHS 300 AI for Humanity
202610 PHYS 101 Rocket Science
PHYS 102 Good Nukes, Bad Nukes
PHYS 135 General Physics II
PHYS 145 Modern Physics
PHYS 146 Modern Physics Lab
PHYS 245 Oscillations & Waves
PHYS 270 Intro to Computational Physics
PHYS 345 Astrophysics and Particles
PHYS 355 Optics
PHYS 385 Adv Experimental Physics 1
PHYS 387 Adv Experimental Physics 3
202610 PSCI 280 Political Analysis
202610 SOCY 250 Systems of Stratification
202580 ARTS 109 Creative Coding
202580 CHEM 110 Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 121 Introductory Chemistry
202580 ECON 101 Princ of Microeconomics
ECON 102 Princ of Macroeconomics
ECON 201 Microeconomic Theory
ECON 205 Introduction to Econometrics
202580 ENVS 210 Intro Environmental Lab
ENVS 220 Applied Environmental Analysis
202580 IPHS 200 Programming Humanity
202580 PHYS 105 Frontiers of Gravity
PHYS 130 General Physics I
PHYS 131 Intro to Exp. Physics I
PHYS 140 Classical Physics
PHYS 141 First-Year Seminar in Physics
PHYS 240 Fields and Spacetime
PHYS 241 Fields & Spacetime Lab
PHYS 350 Electricity & Magnetism
PHYS 370 Thermodynamics & Statstcl Mech
PHYS 380 Introduction to Electronics
PHYS 382 Projects in Electronics 2
202580 PSYC 200 Stat Analysis in Psychology
PSYC 250 Research Methods in Psychology
202580 SOCY 372 Quantitative Research Methods
202510 ARTS 109 Creative Coding
202510 BIOL 110Y Intro to Experimental Biology
202510 CHEM 124 Introductory Chemistry II
CHEM 126 Introductory Chemistry Lab II
CHEM 233 Organic Chemistry Lab I
CHEM 336 Quantum Chemistry
CHEM 341 Instrumental Analysis
202510 COMP 118 Introduction to Programming
COMP 401 Scientific Computing Seminar
202510 ECON 101 Princ of Microeconomics
ECON 102 Princ of Macroeconomics
ECON 202 Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 205 Introduction to Econometrics
ECON 336 Environmental Economics
ECON 342 Economics of Regulation
ECON 344 Labor Economics
ECON 347 Econ of the Public Sector
ECON 357 Economics with Calculus
202510 ENVS 220 Applied Environmental Analysis
202510 IPHS 300 AI for Humanity
202510 MATH 111 Calculus I
MATH 112 Calculus II
MATH 213 Calculus III
MATH 222 Foundations
MATH 224 Linear Algebra
MATH 227 Combinatorics
MATH 352 Complex Functions
MATH 441 Real Analysis II
MATH 498 Senior Honors
STAT 106 Elements of Statistics
STAT 206 Data Analysis
STAT 416 Linear Regression
202510 PHYS 101 Rocket Science
PHYS 135 General Physics II
PHYS 145 Modern Physics
PHYS 146 Modern Physics Lab
PHYS 245 Oscillations & Waves
PHYS 270 Intro to Computational Physics
PHYS 365 Quantum Mechanics II
PHYS 375 Condensed Matter Physics
PHYS 385 Adv Experimental Physics 1
PHYS 386 Adv Experimental Physics 2
202510 PSYC 200 Stat Analysis in Psychology
PSYC 250 Research Methods in Psychology
202480 ARTS 109 Creative Coding
202480 BIOL 109Y Intro to Experimental Biology
202480 CHEM 121 Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 122 Chemical Principles
CHEM 123 Introductory Chemistry Lab I
CHEM 234 Organic Chemistry Lab II
CHEM 335 Chem Kinetics & Thermodynamics
202480 COMP 118 Introduction to Programming
202480 ECON 101 Princ of Microeconomics
ECON 201 Microeconomic Theory
ECON 205 Introduction to Econometrics
ECON 339 International Finance
ECON 346 Industrial Organization
ECON 470 Behavioral Public Policy Sem
202480 ENVS 210 Intro Environmental Lab
ENVS 220 Applied Environmental Analysis
202480 IPHS 200 Programming Humanity
202480 MATH 111 Calculus I
MATH 112 Calculus II
MATH 213 Calculus III
MATH 222 Foundations
MATH 224 Linear Algebra
MATH 230 Euclidean & Non-Euclidean Geom
MATH 327 Number Theory Seminar
MATH 336 Probability
MATH 341 Real Analysis I
MATH 347 Mathematical Models
STAT 106 Elements of Statistics
STAT 206 Data Analysis
202480 PHYS 130 General Physics I
PHYS 131 Intro to Exp. Physics I
PHYS 140 Classical Physics
PHYS 141 First-Year Seminar in Physics
PHYS 240 Fields and Spacetime
PHYS 241 Fields & Spacetime Lab
PHYS 340 Classical Mechanics
PHYS 360 Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 380 Introduction to Electronics
PHYS 381 Projects in Electronics 1
202480 PSYC 200 Stat Analysis in Psychology
PSYC 250 Research Methods in Psychology
202480 SOCY 372 Quantitative Research Methods
202460 INDS 100 Data Analysis: Seeing w/ Data
202410 BIOL 110Y Intro to Experimental Biology
202410 CHEM 124 Introductory Chemistry II
CHEM 126 Introductory Chemistry Lab II
CHEM 233 Organic Chemistry Lab I
CHEM 341 Instrumental Analysis
202410 COMP 118 Introduction to Programming
COMP 401 Scientific Computing Seminar
202410 ECON 101 Princ of Microeconomics
ECON 102 Princ of Macroeconomics
ECON 191 ST: Economics Everywhere
ECON 202 Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 205 Introduction to Econometrics
ECON 336 Environmental Economics
ECON 342 Economics of Regulation
ECON 344 Labor Economics
202410 MATH 111 Calculus I
MATH 112 Calculus II
MATH 128 Hist of Math in Islamic World
MATH 191 ST: The Heart of Mathmatics
MATH 213 Calculus III
MATH 222 Foundations
MATH 224 Linear Algebra
MATH 328 Coding Theory and Cryptography
MATH 360 Topology
MATH 435 Abstract Algebra II
MATH 498 Senior Honors
STAT 106 Elements of Statistics
STAT 206 Data Analysis
STAT 436 Mathematical Statistics
202410 PHYS 100 A Certain Slant on Light
PHYS 104 Einstein
PHYS 135 General Physics II
PHYS 145 Modern Physics
PHYS 146 Modern Physics Lab
PHYS 245 Oscillations & Waves
PHYS 270 Intro to Computational Physics
PHYS 345 Astrophysics and Particles
PHYS 355 Optics
PHYS 385 Adv Experimental Physics 1
PHYS 387 Adv Experimental Physics 3
PHYS 493 IS: astro instrumentation & DA
202410 PSYC 200 Stat Analysis in Psychology
PSYC 250 Research Methods in Psychology
202410 SOCY 372 Quantitative Research Methods
202380 ARTS 109 Creative Coding
202380 BIOL 109Y Intro to Experimental Biology
202380 CHEM 110 Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 121 Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 122 Chemical Principles
CHEM 123 Introductory Chemistry Lab I
CHEM 234 Organic Chemistry Lab II
CHEM 335 Chem Kinetics & Thermodynamics
202380 COMP 118 Introduction to Programming
202380 ECON 101 Princ of Microeconomics
ECON 201 Microeconomic Theory
ECON 205 Introduction to Econometrics
ECON 339 International Finance
ECON 343 Money & Financial Markets
ECON 475 Advanced Econometrics
202380 ENVS 210 Intro Environmental Lab
ENVS 220 Applied Environmental Analysis
202380 MATH 111 Calculus I
MATH 112 Calculus II
MATH 213 Calculus III
MATH 222 Foundations
MATH 224 Linear Algebra
MATH 335 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 336 Probability
MATH 347 Mathematical Models
MATH 498 Senior Honors
STAT 106 Elements of Statistics
STAT 206 Data Analysis
STAT 216 Nonparametric Statistics
202380 PHYS 130 General Physics I
PHYS 131 Intro to Exp. Physics I
PHYS 140 Classical Physics
PHYS 141 First-Year Seminar in Physics
PHYS 240 Fields and Spacetime
PHYS 241 Fields & Spacetime Lab
PHYS 350 Electricity & Magnetism
PHYS 370 Thermodynamics & Statstcl Mech
PHYS 380 Introduction to Electronics
PHYS 382 Projects in Electronics 2
202380 PSCI 280 Political Analysis
202380 PSYC 200 Stat Analysis in Psychology
PSYC 250 Research Methods in Psychology