Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
SPECIAL TOPICS COURSES- FALL, 2025 These are courese being offered for the first time at Kenyon. Please see the Searchable Schedule for full details.

updated:01:29 pm, Monday March 31, 2025

CRN   SUBJ NUM  SEC TITLE                                    DAYS1  BEGINS  MAX ACTUAL INSTRUCTOR
----- ---- ---- --- ---------------------------------------- ------ ------- --- ------ --------------------------------------------------
80665 AMST 291  00  ST:Early Mod Lat Amer Vis Cult           MWF    1210     22        Ezor,D
80553 ANTH 291  00  ST: Cultural Tourism                     M      1310     12        Pack,S
80726 ARBC 291  00  ST: Arab Diasporic Literature            W      1900     12        Sadek,R
80311 ARBC 391  00  ST: Adv Conversation & Compos            MWF    1410     10        Sadek,R
80672 ARHS 191  00  ST: Intro Art of the Americas            WF     1410     28        Ezor,D
80671 ARHS 291  00  ST:Race & Col in Early Mod Art           TR     0810     22        Ezor,D
80383 ARTS 291  00  ST: Typography Studio                    TR     1310     12        Oehmke,A
80539 ENGL 291  00  ST: Spectres of Empire                   TR     0940     18        Murthy,P
80388 ENGL 391  01  ST: Subversive Genres                    M      1310     12        Tierney,O
80546 ENGL 391  02  ST:Intm Creat Writ:Multi-Genre           TR     0940     12        Quinn,A
80574 ENVS 291  00  ST:Environmn & Sustainable Dev           WF     1410     16        Dr. Staff
80742 FILM 191  00  ST: Narrative Podcasting                 TR     0940     15        Silverman,F
80274 HIST 291  01  ST: War and Race                         TR     0940     12        McNair,G
80619 HIST 291  02  ST: Modern Global Capitalism             MWF    0910     15        Ehrenfreund,M
80637 IPHS 391  00  ST: Frontiers of AI                      W      1900     15        Chun,J
80367 MLL  291  01  ST: Art Berlin  Mex City (Eng)           WF     1410     12        Riegert,L
80472 PHIL 291  00D ST: Basics in Buddhist Phil.             MWF    0910     14        Brennan,J
80390 PSCI 491  00  ST: Religion in Amer Politics            MWF    1410     15        Elliott-Dorans,L
80473 RLST 291  00D ST: Basics in Buddhist Philosp           MWF    0910     10        Brennan,J
80399 SOCY 291  01  ST: Sociology of Rural America           TR     1310     20        Theis,N

Office of the Registrar
01:29 pm, Monday March 31, 2025
20 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:00:00.79