Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses With Seats Available
Spring, 2019

11:47 am, Monday March 02, 2020

CRN   SUBJ NUM     TITLE                                           CRD DAYS  TIME            ROOM1       DAYS  ADDL      ROOM2       P       SEATS INSTRUCTOR
----- ---- ------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----- --------------- ----------- ----- --------- ----------- -- ---------- ------------------------------
10237 AFDS 110.00  Intro African Diaspora Studies                   .5 TR    0940-1100       ASC202            -                                 3 Schoenfeld,J
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                        3

10266 ANTH 111.01  Intro Biological Anthropology                    .5 MWF   1010-1100       PLM200            -                                 2 Murphy,K
10268 ANTH 112.00  Introduction to Archaeology                      .5 TR    1310-1430       PLM200            -                                 6 Novotny,C
10269 ANTH 113.01  Intr to Cultural Anthropology                    .5 TR    1310-1430       CHVSEM            -                                 1 Gallareta Cervera,T
10271 ANTH 113.03  Intr to Cultural Anthropology                    .5 TR    1310-1430       ASC202            -                                 4 Mendonca,M
10916 ANTH 113.04  Intr to Cultural Anthropology                    .5 TR    1440-1600       FSH103            -                                16 Gallareta Cervera,T
10272 ANTH 150.00  Science and Pseudoscience                        .5 MWF   1210-1300       PLM200            -                                 1 Suggs,D
10278 ANTH 370.00  Ideology, Power & Ritual                         .5 TR    0940-1100       OCOSEM            -                                12 Novotny,C
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       42

10283 ARHS 111.02  Survey of Art, Part II                           .5 MWF   0910-1000       GAL001            -                                 3 Porter,A
10686 ARHS 227D.00 American Art to 1900                             .5 MWF   1110-1200       HSA220            -                                 7 Porter,A
10294 ARHS 375.00  Topics in Renais & Baroque Art                   .5 M     1310-1600       GAL102            -                                 6 Van Ausdall,K
10298 ARHS 377.00  Topics in Modern Art                             .5 R     1310-1600       TMB5              -                                 8 Zhou,Y
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       24

10239 AMES 101.00  Intro Asian & Mid East Studies                   .5 W     1900-2200       TMB5              -                                 2 Schubel,V
10238 AMES 490.00  SrSem:Asia Comprtv Perspective                   .5 W     1900-2200       ACLSEM            -                                 6 Singer,W
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                        8

10423 BIOL 116.01  Information in Living Systems                    .5 MWF   0810-0900       TOM101            -                                29 Powell,W
10425 BIOL 238.00  Microbiology                                     .5 TR    0810-0930       HIGAUD            -                                17 Blount,Z
10426 BIOL 239.00  Experimental Microbiology                       .25 R     1310-1600       HIG320            -                                 5 Blount,Z
10427 BIOL 241.00  Evolution                                        .5 MWF   1010-1100       TOM103            -                                 3 Wright,N
10430 BIOL 245.00  Environmental Plant Physiology                   .5 MWF   0810-0900       TOM103            -                                15 Bickford,C
10431 BIOL 246.00  Env Plant Physiology Lab                        .25 W     1310-1600       HIG221            -                                 7 Bickford,C
10899 BIOL 247.00  Comp Vertebrate Anatomy                          .5 MWF   1210-1300       TOM101            -                                 4 Wright,N
10900 BIOL 248.00  Comp Vertebrate Anatomy Lab                     .25 R     1310-1600       HIG219            -                                 4 Wright,N
10432 BIOL 255.00  Genetic Analysis                                 .5 MWF   1110-1200       TOM103            -                                13 Coneva,V
10428 BIOL 291.00  ST: Phys Ecology Animal                          .5 MWF   0910-1000       TOM103            -                                 4 Reichard,E
10429 BIOL 292.00  ST: Phys Ecology Animal Lab                     .25 R     0810-1100       HIG017            -                                 2 Reichard,E
10435 BIOL 359.01  Experimental Neurobiology                       .25 T     1310-1600       HIG007            -                                 2 Itagaki,H
10436 BIOL 359.02  Experimental Neurobiology                       .25 W     1310-1600       HIG007            -                                 3 Itagaki,H
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                      108

10218 CHEM 124.01  Introductory Chemistry II                        .5 MWF   0910-1000       TOM101            -                                13 Keller,J
10219 CHEM 124.02  Introductory Chemistry II                        .5 MWF   1110-1200       TOM101            -                                 5 Keller,J
10220 CHEM 126.01  Introductory Chemistry Lab II                   .25 M     1310-1600       TOM103            -                                 4 Garcia,S
10221 CHEM 126.02  Introductory Chemistry Lab II                   .25 T     1310-1600       TOM103            -                                 3 Payton,J
10222 CHEM 126.03  Introductory Chemistry Lab II                   .25 R     1310-1600       TOM103            -                                10 Heironimus,J
10223 CHEM 126.04  Introductory Chemistry Lab II                   .25 R     0810-1100       TOM103            -                                 2 Wiegman,D
10224 CHEM 231.01  Organic Chemistry I                              .5 MWF   0810-0900       HAYES109          -                                12 Hunsen,M
10225 CHEM 231.02  Organic Chemistry I                              .5 MWF   0910-1000       HAYES109          -                                 2 Hunsen,M
10227 CHEM 233.02  Organic Chemistry Lab I                         .25 W     1310-1600       TOM207            -                                 3 Cooper,W
10229 CHEM 256.00  Biochemistry                                     .5 MWF   1010-1100       TOM101            -                                11 Hofferberth,J
10670 CHEM 336.00  Quantum Chemistry                                .5 TR    0940-1100       TOM207            -                                14 Keller,J
10233 CHEM 375.01  Chemical Research                               .25       -                                 -                                 5 Hunsen,M
10234 CHEM 375.02  Chemical Research                                .5       -                                 -                                23 Hunsen,M
10235 CHEM 401.00  Chemistry and Biochem Seminar                    .5 W     1310-1600       TOM206            -                                 1 Hemkin,S
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                      108

10674 CLAS 111.00  Greek History                                    .5 TR    1440-1600       TOM101            -                                13 Campa,N
10345 CLAS 121.00  Greek Archaeology                                .5 TR    1310-1430       ASC225            -                                16 Kontes,Z
10347 CLAS 471.00  Senior Seminar in Classics                       .5 TR    0940-1100       CHVSEM            -                                 4 Serfass,A
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       33

10338 GREK 202.00  Intermediate Greek: Homer                        .5 MWF   1310-1400       ASC114            -                                 7 Myers,M
10339 GREK 302.00  Advanced Greek                                   .5 TR    1310-1430       TMB4              -                                 3 Campa,N
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       10

10342 LATN 202.00  Intermediate Latin: Vergil                       .5 MWF   1210-1300       ASC114            -                                 8 Barich,M
10343 LATN 302.00  Advanced Latin                                   .5 TR    1440-1600       ASC120            -                                 1 Myers,M
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                        9

10335 CWL  333.00  Reading World Literature                         .5 WF    1410-1530       LBC               -                                13 Brown,J
10336 CWL  480.00  Senior Seminar                                   .5       -                                 -                                10 Elkins,K
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       23

10364 DANC 107.00  Beg Dance Bharatanatyam                         .25 TR    1440-1600       DAN100            -                                 5 Magal,S
10998 DANC 110.00  Spring Dance Concert                              0       -                                 -                                50 Brodie,J
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       55

10989 DRAM 110.00  The Play: Machinal                                0       -                                 -                                50 Dudley,A
10881 DRAM 291.00  ST: Blacks in American Theater                   .5 WF    1410-1530       HIL100            -                                 1 Rivers,H
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       51

10903 FILM 261.00  Directing for the Camera                         .5 TR    1310-1600       WRIGHT305         -                                 1 Garrett,P
10896 FILM 291.01  ST: Queer Cinema                                 .5 M     1310-1600       WRIGHT305   U     1500-1700 SMA201                  6 Huth,J
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                        7

10369 ECON 102.03  Princ of Macroeconomics                          .5 MWF   1010-1100       ASC225            -                                 3 Black,K
10370 ECON 102.04  Princ of Macroeconomics                          .5 MWF   1110-1200       ASC225            -                                 1 Black,K
10373 ECON 202.01  Macroeconomic Theory                             .5 MWF   1310-1400       SMA201            -                                 1 Melick,W
10374 ECON 202.02  Macroeconomic Theory                             .5 MWF   1410-1500       SMA201            -                                24 Melick,W
10375 ECON 205.00  Introduction to Econometrics                     .5 TR    1310-1430       HAYES311          -                                 4 Melick,W
10376 ECON 336.00  Environmental Economics                          .5 TR    1440-1600       ASC201            -                                 1 Alexander,R
10377 ECON 338.00  International Trade                              .5 TR    1310-1430       ASC326            -                                14 An,G
10680 ECON 346.00  Industrial Organization                          .5 MWF   1210-1300       ASC202            -                                13 Nencka,P
10378 ECON 347.00  Econ of the Public Sector                        .5 WF    1410-1530       ASC225            -                                14 Black,K
10901 ECON 357.00  Economics with Calculus                          .5 MWF   1310-1400       ASC225            -                                20 An,G
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       95

10447 ENGL 104.03  Health and Healing                               .5 MWF   0910-1000       KEITH102          -                                 1 Fernando,K
10918 ENGL 104.08  Imitation and Originality                        .5 MWF   1210-1300       GAL102            -                                 8 Espie,J
10660 ENGL 205.02  Creative Writing: Multi-Genre                    .5 R     1310-1600       LEN104            -                                 1 Rai,M
10889 ENGL 210.00  Proper Ladies & Women Writers                    .5 WF    1410-1530       KEITH002          -                                 2 Yoon,M
10452 ENGL 213.01  Texting: Reading like an Eng M                   .5 MWF   0910-1000       LEN104            -                                 4 McMullen,K
10453 ENGL 213.02  Texting: Reading like an Eng M                   .5 MWF   0910-1000       KEITH002          -                                 1 Matz,J
10890 ENGL 223.00  Writing Medieval Women                           .5 WF    0840-1000       PRC210            -                                 7 Star,S
10456 ENGL 251.00  Studies in British Romanticism                   .5 TR    0940-1100       KEITH002          -                                 5 Carson,J
10458 ENGL 266.00  Decolonization and Violence                      .5 TR    0940-1100       LEN204            -                                10 Fernando,K
10459 ENGL 291.01  ST: Books and the Booker                         .5 TR    0810-0930       TRL101            -                                 8 Murthy,P
10688 ENGL 291.02  ST: Literature & Environment                     .5 WF    0840-1000       CHVSEM            -                                12 Suazo,M
10462 ENGL 318.00  Science Fiction and Fantasy                      .5 TR    1440-1600       KEITH102          -                                 1 Brown,J
10465 ENGL 366.00  African Fiction                                  .5 TR    0940-1100       RAL100            -                                 8 Murthy,P
10466 ENGL 385.00  Contemporary American Poetry                     .5 TR    0940-1100       KEITH102          -                                 3 Grace,A
10467 ENGL 386.00  Toni Morrison                                    .5 TR    1310-1430       KEITH002          -                                 4 Schoenfeld,J
10468 ENGL 391.01  ST: Shakespeare, Looking Back                    .5 MWF   1510-1600       LEN204            -                                13 Davidson,A
10469 ENGL 404.00  Science Writing                                  .5 TR    0810-0930       KEITH002          -                                 7 Lynn,D
10472 ENGL 462.00  James Joyce                                      .5 WF    1410-1530       HAYES215          -                                 3 McMullen,K
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       98

10388 ENVS 240.00  Permaculture Winter Farming                      .5 R     1310-1600       FSH205            -                                 2 Hottle,R
10389 ENVS 461.00  Sem in Environmental Studies                     .5 WF    1410-1530       HSA220            -                                 5 Alexander,R
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                        7

10392 HIST 102D.00 United States Hist, 1865-Pres                    .5 TR    1440-1600       SMA215            -                                16 Coulibaly,S
10872 HIST 161.00  East Asia to 1800                                .5 MWF   1110-1200       SMA215            -                                 4 Bae,K
10400 HIST 235.00  Modern France                                    .5 TR    0940-1100       GAL101            -                                 6 Henry,L
10402 HIST 261.00  The Mongol Empire                                .5 WF    1410-1530       CHVSEM            -                                 2 Dunnell,R
10873 HIST 291.00  ST: Env History Latin America                    .5 WF    1410-1530       ASC002            -                                11 Cantisano,P
10504 HIST 311.00  Immigrant Experience in the US                   .5 W     1310-1600       ACLSEM            -                                 3 Coulibaly,S
10404 HIST 328.00  Crusades:Relgn,Violnce,Med Eur                   .5 R     1900-2200       HSA220            -                                 2 Novikoff,A
10407 HIST 358.00  Imagined India: Film & Fiction                   .5 T     1900-2200       GAL102      U     1900-2200 GAL102                  7 Singer,W
10409 HIST 365.00  Middle East: Film & Fiction                      .5 M     1900-2200       HAYES215          -                                 1 Kilic-Schubel,N
10682 HIST 370.00  Women, Gender in Mod Mid East                    .5 T     1900-2200       TMB5              -                                 1 Kilic-Schubel,N
10411 HIST 387.02  Practice and Theory of History                   .5 R     1900-2200       ACLSEM            -                                 1 Cantisano,P
10413 HIST 391.02  ST: Race, Crime&Crim Justice                     .5 M     1310-1600       HSA220            -                                 1 McNair,G
10503 HIST 391.03  ST: History of Science & Tech                    .5 R     1900-2200       TMB4              -                                 7 Bae,K
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       62

10439 INST 201.00  Expansion of Intern'l Society                    .5 MWF   1010-1100       ASC002            -                                 6 Villegas,C
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                        6

10507 IPHS 200D.00 Programming Humanity                             .5 MWF   1110-1200       OCOSEM            -                                 2 Elkins,K
10444 IPHS 484.00  Senior Research Seminar                          .5       -                                 -                                 9 Elkins,K
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       11

10440 LGLS 371.00  Exploring Law                                    .5 TR    0940-1100       GAL102            -                                 2 Lowan,T
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                        2

10475 MATH 111.00  Calculus I                                       .5 T     0810-0930       HAYES311    MWF   0910-1000 HAYES311               11 Aydin,N
10476 MATH 112.01  Calculus II                                      .5 T     0810-0930       PRCL09      MWF   0910-1000 PRCL09                  5 Wynn,C
10489 MATH 112.02  Calculus II                                      .5 MWF   1410-1500       PRCL09      T     1440-1600 PRCL09                 11 Wynn,C
10481 MATH 213.00  Calculus III                                     .5 MWF   1110-1200       HAYES311          -                                 3 Lizzi,A
10484 MATH 222.01  Foundations                                      .5 MWF   1110-1200       HAYES203          -                                 2 Holdener,J
10485 MATH 222.02  Foundations                                      .5 MWF   1210-1300       HAYES203          -                                 4 Holdener,J
10491 MATH 258.00  Mathematical Biology                             .5 TR    0940-1100       HAYES203          -                                 1 Kerkhoff,A
10492 MATH 328.00  Coding Theory and Cryptography                   .5 TR    1440-1600       HAYES311          -                                15 Aydin,N
10490 MATH 352.00  Complex Functions                                .5 MWF   1310-1400       HAYES203          -                                11 Lizzi,A
10480 MATH 368.00  Design & Analysis Algorithms                     .5 MWF   0910-1000       HAYES203          -                                13 Skon,J
10483 MATH 441.00  Real Analysis II                                 .5 MWF   1010-1100       HAYES203          -                                 1 Schumacher,C
10897 MATH 491.00  ST: Applied Diff Equations II                    .5 TR    0940-1100       PRCL09            -                                10 Schumacher,C
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       87

10486 STAT 106.03  Elements of Statistics                           .5 MWF   1310-1400       PRCL09            -                                 8 Jones,B
10914 STAT 206.02  Data Analysis                                    .5 MWF   0910-1000       HAYES215          -                                15 Jones,B
10487 STAT 416.00  Linear Regression                                .5 MWF   1310-1400       HAYES311          -                                 6 Leatherman,E
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       29

10501 ARBC 391.00  ST: Media Arabic                                 .5 TR    0940-1100       ASC125            -                                13 Sadek,R
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       13

10878 CHNS 291.00  ST:Linguistic & Cultural Intro                   .5 TR    1440-1600       ASC114            -                                 2 Li,C
10087 CHNS 322.00  Advanced Chinese                                 .5 TR    0810-0930       ASC125            -                                11 Bai,J
10088 CHNS 391.00  ST: China in Ten Words                           .5 WF    1410-1530       TMB5              -                                 6 Sun,C
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       19

10098 FREN 361.00  Symbolism to Surrealism&Beyond                   .5 WF    1410-1530       OCOSEM            -                                10 Guiney,M
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       10

10101 GERM 325.00  Approaches Germ Lit & Culture                    .5 WF    1410-1530       ASC114            -                                 9 Gebhardt,P
10893 GERM 359.00  Challenging Borders                              .5 TR    1440-1600       ASC202            -                                11 Riegert,L
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       20

10083 ITAL 341.00  Visions of Italy & Italianness                   .5 MWF   1510-1600       ASC120      R     1900-2200 HIGAUD                 16 Dubrovic,S
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       16

10084 MLL  291.00  ST: Amorous Liaisons                             .5 TR    1440-1600       OCOSEM            -                                 9 Richards,P
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                        9

10080 RUSS 225.00  Fall of USSR Lit & Film                          .5 MWF   1010-1100       ASC126            -                                 9 Aydinyan,A
10073 RUSS 322.00  Adv Russian Language & Culture                   .5 MWF   1410-1500       ASC120            -                                 8 McGavran,J
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       17

10107 SPAN 324.00  Intro to Spanish Literature                      .5 MWF   1010-1100       ASC226            -                                 9 del Río Arrillaga,D
10108 SPAN 375.00  Spanish American Essay                           .5 TR    1440-1600       ASC002            -                                 9 Rodriguez-Nunez,V
10880 SPAN 391.00  ST: Latin American Haiku                         .5 MWF   1310-1400       RAL100            -                                12 Gondar,J
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       30

10866 MUSC 124.00  Intro to Computer Music                          .5 MWF   1310-1400       STR012            -                                 1 Lubell,G
10140 MUSC 203.00  Baroque and Classical                            .5 TR    1310-1430       PRC210            -                                 7 Sanders,R
10141 MUSC 205.00  Music Since c.1900                               .5 TR    0940-1100       STR012            -                                 7 Heuchemer,D
10142 MUSC 214D.00 Union of Music and Dance                         .5 TR    1440-1600       PRC210            -                                 4 Sanders,R
10143 MUSC 321.00  Jazz Theory and Arranging                        .5 MWF   1110-1200       STR012            -                                 3 Buehrer,T
10144 MUSC 322.00  Composition                                      .5 TR    1440-1600       STR012            -                                10 Lubell,G
10868 MUSC 391.00  ST: Instrumental Chamber Music                   .5 T     1900-2200       PRC210            -                                11 Heuchemer,D
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       43

10130 NEUR 212.00  Neuroscience                                     .5 MWF   0910-1000       SMA215            -                                 5 Niemiec,A
10131 NEUR 250.00  Research Design & Analysis                       .5 MWF   1010-1100       SMA215            -                                 5 Niemiec,A
10132 NEUR 265.00  Behavioral Neuro Adolescence                     .5 WF    1410-1530       SMA308            -                                 7 White,A
10133 NEUR 305.00  Behavioral Neuroscience                          .5 TR    0940-1100       SMA215            -                                 2 McFarlane,H
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       19

10167 HSPS 120.00  Gender in Sport                                 .25 MWF   1310-1400       KAC102            -                                 1 DeMarco,J
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                        1

10172 PHSD 110.40  Personal Fitness                                .13 TR    0940-1100       KAC239            -                                 2 Mosher,K
10174 PHSD 126.40  Intro to 5K Running                             .13 TR    0940-1100       KAC118            -                                19 Crumb,A
10175 PHSD 132.30  Beginning Weight Training                       .13 TR    1440-1600       KAC239            -                                11 Cobb,K
10176 PHSD 134.40  Strength and Conditioning                       .13 MWF   0810-0900       KAC239            -                                 9 Clymer,B
10177 PHSD 182.40  CPR and First Aid                               .13 MWF   1310-1400       KAC223            -                                 6 Moore,D
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       47

10152 PHIL 100.00  Introduction to Philosophy                       .5 MWF   1510-1600       ASC125            -                                 3 Lottenbach,H
10153 PHIL 105.00  Introduction to Logic                            .5 TR    0810-0930       ASC225            -                                 2 Bradner,A
10154 PHIL 110.00  Introduction to Ethics                           .5 MWF   1010-1100       ASC202            -                                 3 Waller,R
10917 PHIL 245.00  Philosophy of Natural Science                    .5 R     1900-2200       ASC225            -                                14 Bradner,A
10681 PHIL 255.00  Philosophy of Language                           .5 MWF   1510-1600       ASC201            -                                 3 Xiao,Y
10160 PHIL 270.00  Political Philosophy                             .5 MWF   0910-1000       FSH103            -                                 2 Lottenbach,H
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       27

10182 PHYS 135.00  General Physics II                               .5 MWF   1110-1200       HAYES109          -                                35 Reinhard,A
10858 PHYS 136.01  Intro to Exp. Physics II                        .25 M     1310-1600       HAYES105          -                                 2 Reinhard,A
10859 PHYS 136.02  Intro to Exp. Physics II                        .25 T     1310-1600       HAYES105          -                                 1 Loveland,G
10185 PHYS 145.00  Modern Physics                                   .5 MWF   1010-1100       HAYES109          -                                36 Turner,P
10186 PHYS 146.01  Modern Physics Lab                              .25 W     1900-2200       HAYES105          -                                 7 Turner,P
10187 PHYS 146.02  Modern Physics Lab                              .25 R     1310-1600       HAYES105          -                                 1 Giblin,J
10188 PHYS 245.00  Oscillations & Waves                             .5 MWF   1010-1100       HAYES211          -                                 9 Sullivan,T
10189 PHYS 270.00  Intro to Computational Physics                   .5 WF    1410-1530       HAYES211          -                                 6 Giblin,J
10190 PHYS 365.00  Quantum Mechanics II                             .5 MWF   0910-1000       HAYES211          -                                12 Schumacher,B
10191 PHYS 375.00  Condensed Matter Physics                         .5 MWF   1110-1200       HAYES211          -                                14 Peiris,F
10192 PHYS 385.00  Adv Experimental Physics 1                      .25 T     1310-1600       HAYES019          -                                10 Peiris,F
10193 PHYS 386.00  Adv Experimental Physics 2                      .25 R     1310-1600       HAYES019          -                                14 Peiris,F
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                      147

10203 PSCI 221.02  Modern Quest for Justice                         .5 MWF   1310-1400       ASC126            -                                 4 Baumann,F
10913 PSCI 240.02  Modern Democracy                                 .5 MWF   0910-1000       ACLSEM            -                                10 Powers,N
10205 PSCI 260.01  International Relations                          .5 TR    1310-1430       HAYES109          -                                 2 McAllister,J
10883 PSCI 280.00  Political Analysis                               .5 MWF   1510-1600       PRCL09            -                                10 Hart,A
10885 PSCI 313.00  Making U.S. Foreign Policy                       .5 MWF   1310-1400       SMA306            -                                 4 Hart,A
10207 PSCI 342.00  Politics of Development                          .5 TR    0940-1100       ACLSEM            -                                19 Mood,M
10208 PSCI 355.00  Immigrtn, Ctzshp, & Natl Ident                   .5 WF    1410-1530       ASC202            -                                16 Powers,N
10495 PSCI 391.00  ST: Gender and Politics                          .5 WF    1410-1530       TRL101            -                                14 Rodriguez,G
10212 PSCI 420.00  Plato's Symposium                                .5 W     1900-2200       HRWSEM            -                                 3 Leibowitz,D
10213 PSCI 432.00  The Idea of Community                            .5 R     1900-2200       HRWSEM            -                                 2 Spiekerman,T
10215 PSCI 447.00  Inequality and Democracy                         .5 M     1310-1600       TMB5              -                                 8 Camerra-Rowe,P
10216 PSCI 450.00  Human Rights in World Politics                   .5 W     1900-2200       LEN104            -                                 1 McAllister,J
10217 PSCI 470.00  Power, States and Markets                        .5 T     1310-1600       SMA308            -                                 3 Rowe,D
10882 PSCI 491.01  ST:Politics of Crime Policy US                   .5 TR    1310-1430       TRL101            -                                 1 Erler,H
10886 PSCI 491.02  ST: Economic Crisis & Politics                   .5 T     1900-2200       OCOSEM            -                                 8 Hart,A
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                      105

10249 PSYC 250.01  Research Methods in Psychology                   .5 MWF   0910-1000       SMA206            -                                 8 Payne,T
10497 PSYC 321.00  Abnormal Psychology                              .5 TR    1440-1600       SMA306            -                                 2 Lopez,I
10496 PSYC 327.00  Cross-cultural Psychology                        .5 TR    0810-0930       SMA306            -                                 5 Lopez,I
10256 PSYC 330.00  Health Psychology                                .5 MWF   1010-1100       SMA306            -                                 3 White,A
10860 PSYC 333.00  Media Psychology                                 .5 MWF   1310-1400       SMA202            -                                 5 Ewell,P
10261 PSYC 391.02  ST: Psych of Relationships                       .5 MWF   1510-1600       SMA202            -                                 1 Hamilton,H
10263 PSYC 423.00  Adv Res Meth: Social Psyc                        .5 MWF   1510-1600       SMA206            -                                 4 Ewell,P
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       28

10291 RLST 101.02  Religion in Its Global Context                   .5 WF    1410-1530       FSH103            -                                 4 Dalton,K
10876 RLST 228.00  Christianity Global South                        .5 W     1310-1600       FSH205            -                                10 Maldonado Rivera,D
10301 RLST 382.00  Prophecy                                         .5 W     1900-2200       LEN204            -                                 2 Dean-Otting,M
10296 RLST 391.01  ST:Race, Religion & Resistance                   .5 T     1310-1600       TMB5              -                                 5 Howlett,D
10299 RLST 443.00  Voices in Contemporary Islam                     .5 R     1900-2200       ASC120            -                                 8 Schubel,V
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       29

10123 SCMP 118.00  Introduction to Programming                      .5 TR    0940-1100       HAYES311          -                                 8 Aydin,N
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                        8

10308 SOCY 102.00  Social Dreamers                                  .5 MWF   1010-1100       RAL100            -                                 3 McCarthy,G
10862 SOCY 104.00  Identity in American Society                     .5 MWF   1110-1200       RAL100            -                                 5 Sacks,H
10312 SOCY 224.00  Health and Illness                               .5 MWF   1010-1100       STR012            -                                 1 Johnson,A
10319 SOCY 225.00  Notions of the Family                            .5 WF    1410-1530       LEN104            -                                 5 Kohlman,M
10912 SOCY 233.00  Sociology of Food                                .5 MWF   1010-1100       KEITH002          -                                 4 Johnson,J
10322 SOCY 236.00  Pop Culture:Window Inequality                    .5 TR    0810-0930       RAL100            -                                 4 Golding,S
10318 SOCY 242.00  Science and Society                              .5 MWF   1310-1400       TRL101            -                                 3 McCarthy,G
10499 SOCY 291.02  ST: Social Psychology                            .5 MWF   0910-1000       RAL100            -                                 2 Johnson,A
10863 SOCY 362.00  Contemporary Social Theory                       .5 TR    1440-1600       RAL100            -                                13 Lowan,T
10329 SOCY 432.00  Global Cities                                    .5 M     1310-1600       TOM206            -                                 8 Johnson,J
10500 SOCY 491.00  ST: What's in our Pipelines?                     .5 W     1900-2200       TRL101            -                                 7 Golding,S
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       55

10898 WGS  291.00  ST: Gender & Spirituality                        .5 WF    1410-1530       KAC102            -                                11 Ali,S
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       11

10996 EXPL 205.00  Connect Acad & Intern Exper-su                  .13       -                                 -                                20 Alexander,R
10997 EXPL 206.01  Connect Acad & Intern Exper-ay                  .13       -                                 -                                 2 Thomas,J
      ****                                                                                                                              ----------
      SUM                                                                                                                                       22


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11:47 am, Monday March 02, 2020
209 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:00:05.96