Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses with Reserved Seats

01:50 pm, Friday July 26, 2024

term   CRN   Course          title                               MAJ      MAJ_AVAI        SR  SR_AVAIL        JR   jR_AVAIL        SO  SO_AVAIL        FR  FR_AVAIL  max instructor
------ ----- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---- -------------------------
202380 80643 AMST 108.00     America and The '60s                                                                                  10                  10         6   20 F.Gourrier, .

202380 80781 AMST 191.00     ST: American Identities                                                                                                   20        15   25 B.Schmack, .

202380 80597 ANTH 111.01     Intro Biological Anthropology                                                                         11        -1        12         1   23 K.Murphy, .

202380 80598 ANTH 111.02     Intro Biological Anthropology                                                                         11                  12         1   23 B.Hardy, .

202380 80599 ANTH 112.01     Introduction to Archaeology                                                                                               12         3   24 C.Novotny, .

202380 80600 ANTH 112.02     Introduction to Archaeology                                                       2         -1        10                  12         2   24 K.Harris, .

202380 80602 ANTH 113.02     Intr to Cultural Anthropology                                                                                             10         1   20 T.Gallareta Cervera, .

202380 80603 ANTH 113.03     Intr to Cultural Anthropology                                                                          9         4        11        -1   20 M.Mendonca, .

202380 80762 ANTH 291.00     ST: Economic Anthropology                                                                              8         3         7         2   20 M.Abel, .

202380 80219 ARBC 111Y.00    Intensive Intro Arabic                                                                                 3                  15        11   18 R.Sadek, .

202380 80193 ARHS 110.00     Intro Western Art:Ancient-Med                                 6        -1         6          1         5         1        11        -1   28 S.Blick, .

202380 80194 ARHS 111.01     Intro Western Art:Ren-Contemp                                 6         1         7         -1         5        -5        10         2   28 R.Ozerkevich, .

202380 80761 ARHS 111.02     Intro Western Art:Ren-Contemp                                                     1          0                            13        -1   28 D.Ezor, .

202380 80195 ARHS 114.01     Introduction to Asian Art                                     2                   8         -2         6         1        12             28 S.Blick, .

202380 80196 ARHS 114.02     Introduction to Asian Art                                     2                   7         -2         6                  13         4   28 P.Yu, .

202380 80197 ARHS 116.00     Introduction to African Art                                   3         1         7          1         5        -1        13         1   28 C.Glosser, .

202380 80207 ARHS 480.00     Senior Seminar                                               15         2                                                                15 B.Hostetler, .

202380 80409 ARTS 102.01     Drawing I                                                     2                   2          0         4        -1         4         1   12 K.Baldwin, .

202380 80410 ARTS 102.02     Drawing I                                                     3                   1          1         6                   2        -5   12 A.Oehmke, .

202380 80777 ARTS 102.03     Drawing I                                                                                                                 11             11 A.Lewis, .

202380 80411 ARTS 103.00     Sculpture I                                                   5         1         2          1         4         1                       11 M.Ishimura, .

202380 80412 ARTS 106.00     Photography I                                                 2        -4         2         -2         2        -4         4         4   10 C.Woolf, .

202380 80413 ARTS 107.00     Digital Imaging                                               3         1         3         -1                                            6 C.Esslinger, .

202380 80414 ARTS 109.00     Creative Coding                                               2         1         3         -2         2        -2         2        -1    9 E.Zeller, .

202380 80416 ARTS 291.01     ST: Design, Sustain, Culture                                  4                   4         -1         4         2                       12 A.Oehmke, .

202380 80419 ARTS 345.00     Printmaking                                                   4        -1         3         -1         3         2                       11 K.Baldwin, .

202380 80218 ASL 111Y.00     American Sign Language 1                                      1                   2          0         4         1        11        -2   18 C.Limas, .

202380 80564 BIOL 109Y.01    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              7             14 J.McMahon, .

202380 80565 BIOL 109Y.02    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              7             14 K.Hicks, .

202380 80566 BIOL 109Y.03    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              7             14 T.Tsunekage, .

202380 80567 BIOL 109Y.04    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              7         4   14 A.Smith, .

202380 80568 BIOL 109Y.05    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              7             14 P.Kropp, .

202380 80569 BIOL 109Y.06    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              7         1   14 J.McMahon, .

202380 80570 BIOL 109Y.07    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              7             14 K.Regmi, .

202380 80571 BIOL 109Y.08    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              7         1   14 C.Gillen, .

202380 80588 BIOL 264.00     Gene Manipulation                   MBIO- 4  MBIO--1                                                                                     10 W.Powell, .

202380 80672 CHEM 110.00     Environmental Chemistry                                                                                                    4         2   16 Y.Getzler, .

202380 80673 CHEM 121.01     Introductory Chemistry                                                                                                    15         4   35 C.Mauck, .

202380 80674 CHEM 121.02     Introductory Chemistry                                                                                                    15         6   35 C.Mauck, .

202380 80675 CHEM 121.03     Introductory Chemistry                                                                                                    15         1   35 C.Mauck, .

202380 80676 CHEM 122.00     Chemical Principles                                                                                                       16         4   20 S.Garcia, .

202380 80677 CHEM 123.01     Introductory Chemistry Lab I                                                                                              10         3   14 S.Garcia, .

202380 80678 CHEM 123.02     Introductory Chemistry Lab I                                                                                              10        -1   14 S.Kuyuldar, .

202380 80679 CHEM 123.03     Introductory Chemistry Lab I                                                                                              10         9   14 S.Kuyuldar, .

202380 80680 CHEM 123.04     Introductory Chemistry Lab I                                                                                              10         1   14 J.Payton, .

202380 80681 CHEM 123.05     Introductory Chemistry Lab I                                                                                               7             10 K.Rouhier, .

202380 80682 CHEM 123.06     Introductory Chemistry Lab I                                                                                               6             10 S.Garcia, .

202380 80683 CHEM 232.01     Organic Chemistry II                                                                                                       5         5   20 M.Hunsen, .

202380 80684 CHEM 232.02     Organic Chemistry II                                                                                                       5         5   20 M.Hunsen, .

202380 80686 CHEM 234.01     Organic Chemistry Lab II                                                          7         -1         3        -2                       13 J.Hofferberth, .

202380 80687 CHEM 234.02     Organic Chemistry Lab II                                                          7         -2         1                                 13 J.Hofferberth, .

202380 80690 CHEM 234.03     Organic Chemistry Lab II                                                          6          1         3                                 13 J.Hofferberth, .

202380 80223 CHNS 111Y.00    Intensive Intro Chinese                                                           1         -1         3        -1        14         3   18 J.Bai, .

202380 80466 CLAS 101.00     Greek Civilization                                            4        -1         4         -3         4        -1        18         9   30 A.Ball, .

202380 80467 CLAS 111.00     Greek History                                                 4         1         5          0        13                   8         1   30 A.Serfass, .

202380 80622 DANC 105.00     Introduction to Dance Studies                                 2        -2         6          0         4                   2        -1   14 B.Craig-Quijada, .

202380 80763 DANC 107.00     Beginning African Dance                                                                                                   15        15   25 I.Harris, .

202380 80623 DANC 108.00     Mod/Postmod Dance Pract:Beg                                   5        -1         5          1         7        -3         8         2   25 K.Radella Feller, .

202380 80427 ECON 101.01     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                6                  16         3   28 J.Treber, .

202380 80428 ECON 101.02     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                5         1        17        -1   28 J.Treber, .

202380 80429 ECON 101.03     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                6        -1        16         1   28 D.Kolliner, .

202380 80430 ECON 101.04     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                5                  18         1   28 H.Diethorn, .

202380 80431 ECON 101.05     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                6        -1        16         4   28 H.Diethorn, .

202380 80432 ECON 101.06     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                6                  16         1   28 J.Corrigan, .

202380 80433 ECON 101.07     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                5        -1        17         3   28 J.Corrigan, .

202380 80470 ENGL 103.01     Translation, Transition,Transc                                                                         3        -2        12         4   15 A.Brostoff, .

202380 80471 ENGL 103.02     Science, Fiction, SciFi                                                                                2                  13             15 J.Brown, .

202380 80472 ENGL 103.03     The Writer in the Text                                                                                 2                  13             15 A.Davidson, .

202380 80473 ENGL 103.04     Assault of Laughter                                                                                    3                  12             15 A.Grace, .

202380 80475 ENGL 103.05     Health and Healing                                                                                     3                  12         2   15 K.Fernando, .

202380 80476 ENGL 103.06     Health and Healing                                                                                     3        -1        12         1   15 K.Fernando, .

202380 80477 ENGL 103.07     Making a Life                                                                                          2        -1        12             14 S.Heidt, .

202380 80478 ENGL 103.08     Making a Life                                                                                          1                  12        -1   13 S.Heidt, .

202380 80480 ENGL 103.10     Writing the Mind                                                                                       3        -1        12         2   15 J.Matz, .

202380 80481 ENGL 103.11     Writing the Mind                                                                                       3         1        12        -1   15 J.Matz, .

202380 80482 ENGL 103.12     Secrets and Confessions                                                                                2         1        13        -1   15 P.Murthy, .

202380 80483 ENGL 103.13     What's Love Got to Do With It?                                                                         2         2        13        -1   15 R.O'Neill, .

202380 80484 ENGL 103.14     Writing the Race                                                                                       2                  13         2   15 J.Schoenfeld, .

202380 80485 ENGL 103.15     Authorship                                                                                                                15             15 M.Suazo, .

202380 80486 ENGL 103.16     Waste Lands                                                                                            5                  10             15 O.Tierney, .

202380 80641 ENGL 103.17     Denaturing "Nature"                                                                                    1                  14         1   15 A.Quinn, .

202380 80741 ENGL 103.18     Monstrous Forms                                                                                        3        -1        12         2   15 K.Fleming, .

202380 80487 ENGL 200.01     Intro Fiction Writing                                         5                   3          0         6        -1                       15 K.Parssinen, .

202380 80722 ENGL 200.03     Intro Fiction Writing                                         2                   3          1         8        -3                       13 J.Galvao, .

202380 80488 ENGL 201.01     Introduction to Poetry Writing                                3                   7          0         5         1                       15 A.Grace, .

202380 80723 ENGL 201.02     Introduction to Poetry Writing                                1                   4          1        10        -1                       15 C.Ok, .

202380 80489 ENGL 206.00     Intro Science & Nature Writing                                2                   5         -3         4        -2                       11 S.Lobanov-Rostovsky, P.Pa

202380 80725 ENGL 220.00     Shakespeare                                                                                           11        -2                       17 S.Lobanov-Rostovsky, .

202380 80492 ENGL 271.00     Books and the Booker                                                                                  18        -1                       20 P.Murthy, .

202380 80493 ENGL 274.00     Reading Race&Reconstruction                                                                           16         4                       20 J.Schoenfeld, .

202380 80494 ENGL 291.01     ST: Methods in Comp Lit                                                                               17         7                       20 A.Brostoff, .

202380 80334 ENGL 291.02     ST: Plant Poetics                                                                                     16         2                       20 O.Tierney, .

202380 80724 ENGL 300.00     Advanced Fiction Writing                                      4                   4          0         7         4                       15 A.Quinn, .

202380 80535 ENVS 112.01     Intro to Environmental Studies                                2        -1         4          0        12                  17         2   35 L.Schmitt, .

Office of the Registrar
01:50 pm, Friday July 26, 2024
Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses with Reserved Seats

01:50 pm, Friday July 26, 2024

term   CRN   Course          title                               MAJ      MAJ_AVAI        SR  SR_AVAIL        JR   jR_AVAIL        SO  SO_AVAIL        FR  FR_AVAIL  max instructor
------ ----- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---- -------------------------

202380 80536 ENVS 112.02     Intro to Environmental Studies                                                    3          0         6         1        19         5   35 R.Alexander, .

202380 80765 ENVS 191.00     ST: Culture and Agriculture                                                                                                5             11 J.Bragg, .

202380 80629 FILM 111.01     Introduction to Film                                          1                   1          0         4         2        12        -2   18 J.Sherman, .

202380 80630 FILM 111.02     Introduction to Film                                          1         1         1          0         3                  13         2   18 H.Zhou, .

202380 80635 FILM 111.03     Introduction to Film                                          1                   1          0         3        -1        13        -2   18 J.Tazewell, .

202380 80633 FILM 480.00     Senior Seminar in Film              FILM- 10 FILM-0                                                                                      10 J.Sherman, .

202380 80245 FREN 111Y.01    Intensive Intro French                                                            1          0         4        -3        13         2   18 M.Malone, .

202380 80246 FREN 111Y.02    Intensive Intro French                                                            1          1         3        -3        14         2   18 R.Dieng, .

202380 80227 GERM 111Y.00    Intensive Intro German                                        1        -2                              2         1        15         3   18 L.Riegert, .

202380 80338 HIST 100.01     Making of the Contmp. World                                                                                               15         2   15 S.Volz, .

202380 80638 HIST 100.02     Making of the Contmp. World                                                                                               15         3   15 C.Pettersen, .

202380 80340 HIST 121.00     Modern Latin America                                          5                   5         -1         6         1         9         1   25 R.Franco, .

202380 80341 HIST 126.00     Early Middle Ages 300-1100                                                                             4         1        11         3   25 A.Novikoff, .

202380 80342 HIST 131.00     Early Modern Europe                                                                                    5         1        10         2   25 J.Rivest, .

202380 80343 HIST 161.00     East Asia to 1800                                                                                      5                  10             25 Z.Hershey, .

202380 80344 HIST 175.00     Early Black History                                                                                    5         1        10         6   25 G.McNair, .

202380 80356 HIST 387.01     Practice and Theory of History      HIST- 10 HIST-4                                                                                      12 S.Coulibaly, .

202380 80649 HIST 387.02     Practice and Theory of History      HIST- 10 HIST-0                                                                                      12 J.Rivest, .

202380 80368 HIST 490.01     Senior Seminar                      HIST- 12 HIST-4          12         4                                                                12 N.Kilic-Schubel, .

202380 80369 HIST 490.02     Senior Seminar                      HIST- 12 HIST-2          12         2                                                                12 A.Novikoff, .

202380 80714 INDS 142.00     Access Denied                                                                                                              4             12 A.Jenkins, .

202380 80648 INDS 150.00     Doing the Work: Productivity                                  4                   2          1         9        -1        10         1   25 T.Mason, .

202380 80232 ITAL 111Y.01    Intensive Intro Italian                                                                                6         1        12             18 S.Dubrovic, .

202380 80233 ITAL 111Y.02    Intensive Intro Italian                                       1         1                              3        -1        14         3   18 S.Guslandi, .

202380 80236 JAPN 111Y.00    Intensive Intro Mod Japanese                                  1                   1          0         4                  12         3   18 K.Xie, .

202380 80760 JAPN 291.00     ST:Adapt in Japanese Lit (Eng)                                1        -2                                                                20 Y.Ishida, .

202380 80462 LATN 101Y.01    Elementary Latin                                                                                                          10             22 M.Barich, .

202380 80463 LATN 101Y.02    Elementary Latin                                                                                                          10         1   22 R.Deitsch, .

202380 80382 MUSC 101.00     Basic Musicianship                                            5                   5          1         5        -3        12         3   27 B.Locke, .

202380 80743 MUSC 107.00     Comprehending Music Perf.                                     5         4         5          5         5         4        10         2   25 D.Heuchemer, .

202380 80379 MUSC 121Y.00    Music Theory                                                                      3         -1         9        -3        15        10   27 T.Buehrer, .

202380 80383 MUSC 124.00     Intro to Computer Music                                       5        -3         4          0         5         1        13         7   27 R.Feller, .

202380 80384 MUSC 222.00     Music Struct Post-Tonal Music                                 2        -2         3          1                            15        15   20 R.Feller, .

202380 80393 NEUR 250.00     Research Design & Analysis          NEUR- 10 NEUR-10                                                                                     20 A.White, .

202380 80400 NEUR 471.00     Current Topics in Neuroscience      NEUR- 15 NEUR-2                                                                                      15 H.McFarlane, .

202380 80401 NEUR 497Y.00    Senior Honors                       NEUR- 5  NEUR-5           5         5                                                                 5 H.McFarlane, .

202380 80447 PHIL 100.00     Introduction to Philosophy                                                                                                10        -3   25 Y.Xiao, .

202380 80448 PHIL 200.00     Ancient Philosophy                                                                                                        10         5   30 H.Lottenbach, .

202380 80452 PHIL 225.00     Existentialism                                                                                                             5         1   20 J.DePascuale, .

202380 80453 PHIL 240.00     Philosophy of Religion                                                                                                     5         1   20 J.DePascuale, .

202380 80455 PHIL 255.00     Philosophy of Language                                                                                                                   20 Y.Xiao, .

202380 80456 PHIL 291.00     ST:Birth, Illness, Sex & Death                                                                                             8             26 A.Bradner, .

202380 80509 PSYC 100.01     Introduction to Psychology                                                                            18                  22         1   40 A.Engell, .

202380 80510 PSYC 100.02     Introduction to Psychology                                                                            20                  20             40 L.Dickens, .

202380 80511 PSYC 100.03     Introduction to Psychology                                                                            18         5        22        -3   40 A.Aggarwal, .

202380 80512 PSYC 200.01     Stat Analysis in Psychology         PSYC- 13 PSYC--3                                                                                     13 Long, .

202380 80513 PSYC 200.02     Stat Analysis in Psychology         PSYC- 13 PSYC--5                                                                                     13 L.Jordan, .

202380 80514 PSYC 210.00     Social Mind, Social Brain           PSYC- 2  PSYC-0           3                                        1                                 25 A.Engell, .

202380 80515 PSYC 221.00     Abnormal Psychology                                                                                                                      25 I.Lopez, .

202380 80516 PSYC 223.00     Child Development                   PSYC- 6  PSYC--3          2                                        2                                 25 D.Krieg, .

202380 80517 PSYC 225.00     Social Psychology                   PSYC- 3  PSYC--3          2                                        2                                 25 M.Stevenson, .

202380 80519 PSYC 231.00     Positive Psychology                                           2                                                                          25 L.Dickens, .

202380 80395 PSYC 275D.00    Animal Cognition                    PSYC- 3  PSYC-0                                                                                      15 A.Engell, .

202380 80713 RLST 101.02     Religion in Its Global Context                                                                                             7             22 M.Dugan, .

202380 80211 RLST 165.00     Jew-ish in a Modern World                                                         4         -2         7                   7        -1   22 K.Dalton, .

202380 80712 RLST 295.00     Islam in North America                                                                                                     3         1   15 M.Dugan, .

202380 80216 RLST 330.00     Meanings of Death                                                                 2         -1         9        -5         7         6   20 D.Maldonado Rivera, .

202380 80241 RUSS 111Y.00    Intensive Intro Russian                                       1        -1                              2        -1        15        10   18 J.McGavran, .

202380 80402 SOCY 102.00     Social Dreamers                                                                                                           12         3   12 G.McCarthy, .

202380 80708 SOCY 106.00     Soc Issues/Cultrl Intersection                                                                         8         2        17         1   25 E.Warren, .

202380 80404 SOCY 107.00     Institutions and Inequalities                                                                                             25         6   25 A.Johnson, .

202380 80405 SOCY 108.00     Public Life                                                                                           10         4        15         1   25 C.Villegas, .

202380 80255 SPAN 111Y.01    Self & Society:Intensive Intro                                                                         4        -1        14        -1   18 M.Sierra, .

202380 80256 SPAN 111Y.02    Self & Society:Intensive Intro                                1                   1         -1         4                  12             18 K.Hedeen, .

202380 80257 SPAN 111Y.03    Self & Society:Intensive Intro                                                                         3        -1        15         2   18 D.del Río Arrillaga, .

202380 80258 SPAN 111Y.04    Self & Society:Intensive Intro                                                    1         -2         3                  14         4   18 A.Karosaite, .

202380 80259 SPAN 111Y.05    Self & Society:Intensive Intro                                                    1          0         3                  14         2   18 J.Gondar, .

202380 80265 SPAN 321.02     Lit & Film: Adv Writing Span                                  1         1         3          0         6        -2                       18 T.Landry, .

202380 80266 SPAN 321.03     Lit & Film: Adv Writing Span                                  1        -1         2          1         7         1                       18 T.Landry, .

202380 80273 WGS 111.00      Intro Women's & Gender Studies                                                                         5        -1        10         2   25 L.Herold, .

202380 80274 WGS 121.00      Intro to Queer Studies                                                                                 5        -3        10         2   20 L.Herold, .

202410 10121 AMES 101.00     Intro Asian & Mid East Studies                                                                                             2             14 M.Mendonca, X.Xintong

202410 10493 AMST 291.00D    ST: August Wilson                   AMST- 3  AMST-1                                                                                      10 J.Tazewell, .

202410 10427 AMST 400.00     Senior Sem American Studies         AMST- 10 AMST-3                                                                                      10 F.Gourrier, .

202410 10380 ANTH 111.01     Intro Biological Anthropology                                                                         10         1        13        -1   24 K.Murphy, .

202410 10381 ANTH 111.02     Intro Biological Anthropology                                                                          6         2        18         3   24 J.Bragg, .

202410 10382 ANTH 112.01     Introduction to Archaeology                                                       2         -1         5        -1        16         2   24 K.Harris, .

202410 10383 ANTH 112.02     Introduction to Archaeology                                                       1         -2         7         3        16        -1   24 K.Harris, .

202410 10384 ANTH 113.01     Intr to Cultural Anthropology                                                                                             12         1   24 M.Abel, .

202410 10385 ANTH 113.02     Intr to Cultural Anthropology                                                                                             12             24 E.Williamson, .

202410 10743 ANTH 113.03     Intr to Cultural Anthropology                                                                                             12             24 M.Abel, .

202410 10744 ANTH 150.00     Science and Pseudoscience                                                                             12         1        12        -1   24 B.Hardy, .

202410 10049 ARHS 110.00     Intro Western Art:Ancient-Med                                                     3         -1        11        -2        14        -2   28 S.Blick, .

202410 10050 ARHS 111.01     Intro Western Art:Ren-Contemp                                 5                   5          1         5                  13             28 C.Glosser, .

202410 10525 ARHS 111.02     Intro Western Art:Ren-Contemp                                 2                   3          0        10        -3        13         2   28 D.Ezor, .

202410 10051 ARHS 113.00     Survey of Architecture                                        4        -2         6          3         5        -5        13         3   28 R.Ozerkevich, .

202410 10052 ARHS 114.00     Introduction to Asian Art                                     2                   5         -1         8        -1        13         1   28 P.Yu, .

202410 10054 ARHS 115.00     Intro Islamic Art & Architect                                 5                   4          0         6        -5        13         3   28 B.Hostetler, .

202410 10211 ARTS 101.00     Color and Design                                              3                   2         -1                             3         3    8 C.Woolf, .

202410 10212 ARTS 102.00     Drawing I                                                     2                   3          0         5        -2         2         1   12 K.Baldwin, .

202410 10787 ARTS 102.01     Drawing I                                                                                              5         1         7             12 A.Oehmke, .

202410 10213 ARTS 103.00     Sculpture I                                                                       2          0                             2             12 M.Ishimura, .

202410 10214 ARTS 106.00     Photography I                                                 2                                        1        -4         3        -4    6 M.Hackbardt, .

Office of the Registrar
01:50 pm, Friday July 26, 2024
Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses with Reserved Seats

01:50 pm, Friday July 26, 2024

term   CRN   Course          title                               MAJ      MAJ_AVAI        SR  SR_AVAIL        JR   jR_AVAIL        SO  SO_AVAIL        FR  FR_AVAIL  max instructor
------ ----- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---- -------------------------
202410 10216 ARTS 107.00     Digital Imaging                                               2        -1         3          0         6         3         1        -1   12 C.Esslinger, .

202410 10761 ARTS 191.00     ST: Design Fundamentals                                                           1          0                                            2 A.Oehmke, .

202410 10760 ARTS 221.00     Photography II                                                                    1         -4                                            1 C.Woolf, .

202410 10217 ARTS 230.00     Figure Drawing                                                3        -1         2          0         7        -2                       12 K.Baldwin, .

202410 10779 ARTS 310.00     Sculpt II: Materiality & Methd                                1         1                              3         1         1             10 M.Ishimura, .

202410 10762 ARTS 391.00     ST: Gender & Body in Contp Art                                2                   4          0         3                                 12 C.Woolf, .

202410 10444 CHEM 124.01     Introductory Chemistry II                                                                                                 20        10   45 J.Keller, .

202410 10445 CHEM 124.02     Introductory Chemistry II                                                                                                 19         1   45 M.Rouhier, .

202410 10446 CHEM 126.01     Introductory Chemistry Lab II                                                                                              6             14 S.Garcia, .

202410 10447 CHEM 126.02     Introductory Chemistry Lab II                                                                                              9             14 J.Payton, .

202410 10448 CHEM 126.03     Introductory Chemistry Lab II                                                                                              3             14 S.Kuyuldar, .

202410 10449 CHEM 126.04     Introductory Chemistry Lab II                                                                                             10         1   14 J.Payton, .

202410 10450 CHEM 231.01     Organic Chemistry I                                                                                                        3             27 J.Hofferberth, .

202410 10451 CHEM 231.02     Organic Chemistry I                                                                                                        6             30 J.Hofferberth, .

202410 10452 CHEM 233.01     Organic Chemistry Lab I                                                                                5         1         2             15 Y.Getzler, .

202410 10453 CHEM 233.02     Organic Chemistry Lab I                                                                                5                                 15 M.Hunsen, .

202410 10454 CHEM 233.03     Organic Chemistry Lab I                                                                                5                   3             15 M.Hunsen, .

202410 10455 CHEM 233.04     Organic Chemistry Lab I                                                                                5         1         4         1   15 Y.Getzler, .

202410 10271 CLAS 122.00     Roman Archaeology                                                                                      7        -3         7         3   30 Z.Kontes, .

202410 10272 CLAS 130.00     Classical Mythology                                           6         3         6          0         9                   9        -2   30 R.Deitsch, .

202410 10273 CLAS 140.00     Introduction to Linguistics                                   7         2         5          0         8         2         9             30 C.Hahnemann, .

202410 10758 CLAS 291.00     ST: Barbarian Archaeology                                     1         1         3          0         4                   2         1   20 A.Ball, .

202410 10399 DANC 103.00     Movement for Performance                                      2        -3         5         -1         7                   5         1   20 K.Radella Feller, .

202410 10400 DANC 104.00     Yoga                                                          5        -4         7         -2         7        -1         6         1   25 K.Radella Feller, .

202410 10401 DANC 107.00     Hip Hop Dance                                                 4        -2         6          1         7        -3         7         1   25 I.Harris, .

202410 10492 DRAM 291.00D    ST: August Wilson                   DRAM- 10 DRAM-3                                                                                      10 J.Tazewell, .

202410 10230 ECON 102.01     Princ of Macroeconomics                                                                                2                   9             25 P.Glandon, .

202410 10231 ECON 102.02     Princ of Macroeconomics                                                                                3                  17        -1   25 P.Glandon, .

202410 10232 ECON 102.03     Princ of Macroeconomics                                                                                4                  16         1   25 D.Kolliner, .

202410 10234 ECON 102.04     Princ of Macroeconomics                                                                                4                  16         1   25 D.Kolliner, .

202410 10766 ECON 102.05     Princ of Macroeconomics                                                                                4        -1        16         1   25 H.Diethorn, .

202410 10244 ECON 336.00     Environmental Economics             ENVS- 15 ENVS--1                                                                                     25 R.Alexander, .

202410 10274 ENGL 104.01     Translation, Transition,Transc                                                                                             5         1   14 A.Brostoff, .

202410 10275 ENGL 104.02     Translation, Transition,Transc                                                                         2         2        11         4   15 A.Brostoff, .

202410 10276 ENGL 104.03     Bodily Matters                                                                                         3                  12             15 T.Lau, .

202410 10277 ENGL 104.04     What's Love Got to Do with It?                                                                         3         1        11             15 R.O'Neill, .

202410 10278 ENGL 104.05     Practitioners as Authors                                                                               4         1         4        -1   11 A.Scanlon, .

202410 10483 ENGL 104.06     Seductions                                                                                             3         2         8         3   15 S.Lobanov-Rostovsky, .

202410 10771 ENGL 104.07     Waste Lands                                                                                            3        -3        11         3   14 O.Tierney, .

202410 10772 ENGL 104.08     Monstrous Forms                                                                                        2        -1        13         1   15 K.Fleming, .

202410 10773 ENGL 200.01     Intro Fiction Writing                                         1                   2          0         8                   4             15 A.Quinn, .

202410 10774 ENGL 200.02     Intro Fiction Writing                                         3                   2          0         6                   4             15 A.Quinn, .

202410 10279 ENGL 201.00     Introduction to Poetry Writing                                3         1         2          0         7         1         3        -2   15 M.Leong, .

202410 10775 ENGL 202.00     Intro Creative Nonfict Writing                                3                   2          0         6                   4             15 K.Parssinen, .

202410 10280 ENGL 211.00     Theory & Practc Life-Writing                                                                           7        -2        12             19 S.Heidt, .

202410 10294 ENGL 213.00     Texting: Reading like an Eng M                                                                         5                  14        -1   19 J.Schoenfeld, .

202410 10297 ENGL 215.00     Prosody and Poetics                                                                                    8                  12         3   20 A.Grace, .

202410 10300 ENGL 227.00     Love, Sex and Desire                                                                                   9                  11         2   20 R.O'Neill, .

202410 10303 ENGL 232.00     Renaissance Poetry                                                                                     7                   4             20 A.Davidson, .

202410 10305 ENGL 235.00     Poetic Inheritances                                                                                    2                   7         1   20 J.Brown, .

202410 10307 ENGL 267.00     Lit, Medicine, and Culture                                                                             8                   6             15 T.Lau, .

202410 10310 ENGL 269.00     Intro Caribbean Literature                                                                             8        -1        10         1   20 K.Fernando, .

202410 10790 ENGL 286.00     Transgrsv Frndshp in Am Lit                                                                            5         3        13        -1   20 J.Schoenfeld, .

202410 10312 ENGL 291.01     ST: Asian American Poetry                                                                              5         1         8        -1   17 M.Leong, .

202410 10313 ENGL 291.02     ST: Queer Flora, Fauna & Fungi                                                    1         -1         6        -1         4             11 F.Cannon, .

202410 10754 ENGL 291.04     ST: Midwestern Poetics                                                                                 8                   6             20 A.Grace, .

202410 10756 ENGL 291.05     ST: Making Sci & Nature Comics                                                    3          1         6        -1         4             13 F.Cannon, .

202410 10407 FILM 480.00     Senior Seminar in Film              FILM- 10 FILM-3                                                                                      10 J.Tazewell, .

202410 10147 HIST 102D.00    United States Hist, 1865-Pres                                                                          2                   4         2   25 S.Coulibaly, .

202410 10148 HIST 120.00     Early Latin America                                                                                    4                   6             25 R.Franco, .

202410 10149 HIST 127.00     Later Middle Ages, 1100-1500                                                                           4                  11         1   25 A.Novikoff, .

202410 10495 HIST 132.00     Modern Europe                                                                                          5                  10         1   25 L.Jannette, .

202410 10151 HIST 146.00     Modern Africa                                                                                          5                   3         2   25 S.Volz, .

202410 10416 HIST 163.00     Modern China                                                                                                               8        -1   25 Z.Hershey, .

202410 10156 HIST 238.00     Scientific Rev. Euro 1543-1800                                                                         5                   5             25 J.Rivest, .

202410 10171 HIST 387.00     Practice and Theory of History      HIST- 10 HIST-3                                                                                      10 P.Bottiger, .

202410 10768 INST 291.00     ST: Interdiscpl Research Mthds      INST- 15 INST-7                                                   15         7                       15 C.Pettersen, .

202410 10092 JAPN 251.00     Japn Visual Culture (Engl)                                                                             6         6                       18 K.Xie, .

202410 10189 MUSC 102.00     Musical Style                                                                     3          0         6         2         8         2   23 X.Liu, .

202410 10191 MUSC 224.00     Songwriting                                                   7        -2         2          0         6         1         5         1   20 R.Feller, .

202410 10201 NEUR 250.00     Research Design & Analysis          NEUR- 10 NEUR-4                                                                                      20 A.White, .

202410 10202 NEUR 265.00     Behavioral Neuro Adolescence        NEUR- 10 NEUR-6                                                                                      20 A.White, .

202410 10203 NEUR 275D.00    Animal Cognition                    NEUR- 2  NEUR-1                                                                                      10 A.Engell, .

202410 10207 NEUR 291.00     ST: Functional Neuroanatomy         NEUR- 10 NEUR-1                                                                                      20 R.Pedroza Llinas, .

202410 10253 PHIL 105.00     Introduction to Logic                                                                                                     10         1   25 A.Bradner, .

202410 10259 PHIL 275.00     Moral Psychology                                                                                                           5        -1   20 A.Bradner, .

202410 10753 PHIL 291.01     ST: Philosophy of Love                                                                                                     5             30 A.Bradner, .

202410 10282 PSYC 200.00     Stat Analysis in Psychology         PSYC- 13 PSYC--3                                                                                     13 L.Jordan, .

202410 10283 PSYC 201.00     Cognitive Psychology                PSYC- 13 PSYC--3                                                                                     25 Long, .

202410 10284 PSYC 208.00     Drugs and Behavior                  PSYC- 15 PSYC-0                                                                                      25 P.Millin-Lipnos, .

202410 10285 PSYC 221.00     Abnormal Psychology                 PSYC- 18 PSYC-1                                                                                      25 A.Aggarwal, .

202410 10286 PSYC 224.00     Educational Psychology              PSYC- 15 PSYC--2                                                                                     20 D.Krieg, .

202410 10287 PSYC 225.00     Social Psychology                   PSYC- 13 PSYC-0                                                                                      25 L.Jordan, .

202410 10288 PSYC 227.00     Cross-Cultural Psychology           PSYC- 13 PSYC-4                                                                                      25 I.Lopez, .

202410 10289 PSYC 233.00     Psychology and the Law              PSYC- 16 PSYC-0                                                                                      25 M.Stevenson, .

202410 10290 PSYC 235.00     Environmental Psychology            PSYC- 15 PSYC-3                                                                                      25 L.Dickens, .

202410 10204 PSYC 275D.00    Animal Cognition                    PSYC- 10 PSYC-2                                                                                      15 A.Engell, .

202410 10291 PSYC 291.00     ST: Group Dynamics                  PSYC- 15 PSYC-0                                                                                      25 L.Jordan, .

202410 10065 RLST 103.00     Religion, Gender, & Sexuality                                                                          6                   6        -1   12 K.Dalton, .

202410 10066 RLST 115.00     The Bible and Its Interpreters                                                    4          0         7        -2         7             22 K.Dalton, .

202410 10472 RLST 140.00     Intro to Islamic Tradition                                                                                                 5             20 M.Dugan, .

202410 10071 RLST 217.00     Christianity Global South                                     3        -2         4         -1         4        -3         4         3   15 D.Maldonado Rivera, .

202410 10473 RLST 291.02     ST: Islam and Modernity                                                                                                    1             15 M.Dugan, .

202410 10474 RLST 391.00     ST:Relig. Bodies, Obj & Affect      RLST- 5  RLST-0                                                                                      12 M.Dugan, .

Office of the Registrar
01:50 pm, Friday July 26, 2024
Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses with Reserved Seats

01:50 pm, Friday July 26, 2024

term   CRN   Course          title                               MAJ      MAJ_AVAI        SR  SR_AVAIL        JR   jR_AVAIL        SO  SO_AVAIL        FR  FR_AVAIL  max instructor
------ ----- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---- -------------------------

202410 10470 SOCY 103.00     Society and Culture                                                                                   10         3        15         2   25 M.Cottingham, .

202410 10739 SOCY 104.00     Identity in American Society                                                                                               7         2   25 K.Bender-Baird, .

202410 10235 SOCY 106.00     Soc Issues/Cultrl Intersection                                                                         3         1         6             25 E.Warren, .

202410 10238 SOCY 107.00     Institutions and Inequalities                                                                                             17         3   25 A.Johnson, .

202410 10485 SOCY 240.00     Sociology of Crime & Deviance                                                                                             10             20 K.Bender-Baird, .

202410 10482 SOCY 291.02     ST: Socy Collective Memory                                                                                                 4         1   20 C.Villegas, .

202410 10124 WGS 111.01      Intro Women's & Gender Studies                                                                         5         1        10        -1   25 J.Pruett, .

202410 10438 WGS 111.02      Intro Women's & Gender Studies                                                                         2         1         7             25 J.Pruett, .

202410 10125 WGS 121.00      Intro to Queer Studies                                                                                 3         1        11         2   20 L.Herold, .

202480 80719 AMST 191.00     ST: Prisons, Policng &Amer Clt                                                                                            12        12   12 J.Rufo, .

202480 80590 ANTH 111.01     Intro Biological Anthropology                                                                         12                  12        12   24 K.Murphy, .

202480 80591 ANTH 111.02     Intro Biological Anthropology                                                                         11                  13        13   24 B.Hardy, .

202480 80592 ANTH 112.01     Introduction to Archaeology                                                                                               12        11   23 C.Novotny, .

202480 80594 ANTH 113.01     Intr to Cultural Anthropology                                                                                             12        12   24 T.Gallareta Cervera, .

202480 80597 ANTH 113.02     Intr to Cultural Anthropology                                                                                             12        12   24 E.Williamson, .

202480 80599 ANTH 113.03     Intr to Cultural Anthropology                                                                                             12        11   24 E.Williamson, .

202480 80601 ANTH 113.04     Intr to Cultural Anthropology                                                                                             15        15   20 S.Pack, .

202480 80445 ARHS 110.00     Intro Western Art:Ancient-Med                                 6                   4         -1         5        -1        13        12   28 S.Blick, .

202480 80756 ARHS 110.01     Intro Western Art:Ancient-Med                                                                                             20        20   28 A.LaGatta, .

202480 80446 ARHS 111.01     Intro Western Art:Ren-Contemp                                 5                   5         -2         5        -2        13        13   28 D.Ezor, .

202480 80227 ARHS 191.00     ST: Intro Art of the Americas                                 5                   5         -1         5        -4        13        13   28 D.Ezor, .

202480 80652 ARTS 102.01     Drawing I                                                                         2         -1         5                   5         5   12 N.Warndorf, .

202480 80653 ARTS 102.02     Drawing I                                                     1        -4         2          0         4        -1         5         5   12 N.Warndorf, .

202480 80654 ARTS 103.00     Sculpture I                                                                                            2                   5         5    7 M.Ishimura, .

202480 80655 ARTS 106.00     Photography I                                                 1        -1         3         -1         4        -3         4         4   12 M.Hackbardt, .

202480 80656 ARTS 107.01     Digital Imaging                                               1        -1         2          0         4                   5         4   12 Y.Nakayama, .

202480 80667 ARTS 109.00     Creative Coding                                               1                   2         -3         4                   5         5   12 E.Zeller, .

202480 80716 ARTS 191.00     ST: Design Fundamentals                                       1                   3          0         3        -1                        7 A.Oehmke, .

202480 80192 ARTS 291.01     ST: Sculpture as Social Practi                                3                   1          0                                           10 M.Ishimura, .

202480 80659 ARTS 320.00     Color Photography                                             1                   5         -1         4                                 12 M.Hackbardt, .

202480 80660 ARTS 345.00     Printmaking                                                   4        -8         4          2         4         3                       12 C.Hill, .

202480 80712 ASL 111Y.00     American Sign Language 1                                      1                                        7                  10         9   18 C.Limas, .

202480 80531 BIOL 109Y.01    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              8         8   14 J.McMahon, .

202480 80532 BIOL 109Y.02    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              8         8   14 K.Gillen, .

202480 80533 BIOL 109Y.03    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              8         8   14 T.Tsunekage, .

202480 80534 BIOL 109Y.04    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              8         8   14 E.Hillman, .

202480 80535 BIOL 109Y.05    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              8         8   14 K.Regmi, .

202480 80536 BIOL 109Y.06    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              8         8   14 J.McMahon, .

202480 80537 BIOL 109Y.07    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              8         8   14 S.Petersen, .

202480 80538 BIOL 109Y.08    Intro to Experimental Biology                                                                                              8         8   14 D.Staff, .

202480 80540 BIOL 115.02     Energy in Living Systems                                                                                                  20        20   35 P.Kropp, .

202480 80541 BIOL 115.03     Energy in Living Systems                                                                                                  20        20   35 K.Regmi, .

202480 80542 BIOL 115.04     Energy in Living Systems                                                                                                  20        20   35 E.Hillman, .

202480 80551 BIOL 228.00     Ecology                             BIOL- 12 BIOL-5                                                                                      24 T.Tsunekage, .

202480 80622 CHEM 110.00     Environmental Chemistry                                                                                                    4         4   16 D.Staff, .

202480 80623 CHEM 121.01     Introductory Chemistry                                                                                                    25        25   45 C.Mauck, .

202480 80624 CHEM 121.02     Introductory Chemistry                                                                                                    25        25   45 C.Mauck, .

202480 80625 CHEM 121.03     Introductory Chemistry                                                                                                    25        25   45 D.Staff, .

202480 80626 CHEM 122.00     Chemical Principles                                                                                                       16        16   20 S.Garcia, .

202480 80627 CHEM 123.01     Introductory Chemistry Lab I                                                                                              10        10   14 S.Garcia, .

202480 80628 CHEM 123.02     Introductory Chemistry Lab I                                                                                              10        10   14 Y.Getzler, .

202480 80629 CHEM 123.03     Introductory Chemistry Lab I                                                                                              10        10   14 D.Staff, .

202480 80631 CHEM 123.04     Introductory Chemistry Lab I                                                                                              10        10   14 M.Rouhier, .

202480 80632 CHEM 123.05     Introductory Chemistry Lab I                                                                                              10        10   14 M.Rouhier, .

202480 80635 CHEM 123.06     Introductory Chemistry Lab I                                                                                              10        10   14 D.Staff, .

202480 80636 CHEM 232.01     Organic Chemistry II                                                                                   2                                 24 M.Hunsen, .

202480 80637 CHEM 232.02     Organic Chemistry II                                                                                   6                                 24 M.Hunsen, .

202480 80638 CHEM 234.01     Organic Chemistry Lab II                                                          6          0         1                                 13 J.Hofferberth, .

202480 80639 CHEM 234.02     Organic Chemistry Lab II                                                          7          0         3        -1                       13 J.Hofferberth, .

202480 80640 CHEM 234.03     Organic Chemistry Lab II                                                          7         -1         3                                 13 J.Hofferberth, .

202480 80441 CLAS 102.00     Roman Civilization                                                                                                        10        10   30 M.Myers, .

202480 80442 CLAS 130.00     Classical Mythology                                           5                   5          0         5        -1        15        13   30 C.Hahnemann, .

202480 80443 CLAS 255.00     Rhetoric in Antiquity                                         4                   3          0         5                   4         4   16 A.Serfass, .

202480 80502 DANC 105.00     Introduction to Dance Studies                                 1                   5          0         6                   3         3   15 B.Craig-Quijada, .

202480 80503 DANC 106.00     Contact Improvisation                                         4                   6          3         4                   6         6   20 K.Radella Feller, .

202480 80731 DANC 107.00     Hip Hop Dance                                                 4                   5          0         5                  10        10   25 I.Harris, .

202480 80504 DANC 109.00     Beginning Ballet Technique                                    3                   4          0        10                   7         7   24 E.Carter, .

202480 80459 DRAM 111.01     Introduction to the Theater                                                                            4                  10        10   14 R.Wolf, .

202480 80464 DRAM 111.02     Introduction to the Theater                                                                                                8         8   14 W.MacLeod, .

202480 80460 DRAM 241.00     Scene Design                                                  4                   4         -1                                           10 R.Wolf, .

202480 80410 ECON 101.01     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                6                  18        18   28 J.Treber, .

202480 80411 ECON 101.02     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                6                  16        16   28 J.Treber, .

202480 80412 ECON 101.03     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                3                  23        23   28 K.Black, .

202480 80413 ECON 101.04     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                4         1        24        24   28 K.Black, .

202480 80414 ECON 101.05     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                5                  17        17   28 H.Diethorn, .

202480 80415 ECON 101.06     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                5                  18        18   28 H.Diethorn, .

202480 80416 ECON 101.07     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                6                  19        19   28 D.Kolliner, .

202480 80417 ECON 101.08     Princ of Microeconomics                                                                                2                  20        20   28 D.Kolliner, .

202480 80669 ENGL 103.01     Translation, Transition, Trans                                                                                            15        15   15 A.Brostoff, .

202480 80670 ENGL 103.02     Science, Fiction, Sci Fiction                                                                          3                  11        11   14 J.Brown, .

202480 80671 ENGL 103.03     The Writer in the Text                                                                                                    15        15   15 A.Davidson, .

202480 80672 ENGL 103.04     Health and Healing                                                                                     3         1        12        12   15 K.Fernando, .

202480 80673 ENGL 103.05     Health & Healing                                                                                                          15        15   15 K.Fernando, .

202480 80674 ENGL 103.06     Bodily Matters                                                                                         3                  12        12   15 T.Lau, .

202480 80675 ENGL 103.07     Writing the Mind                                                                                       3                  12        12   15 J.Matz, .

202480 80676 ENGL 103.08     Writing the Mind                                                                                       2        -1        13        12   15 J.Matz, .

202480 80677 ENGL 103.09     What's Love Got do Do With It?                                                                         2                  13        13   15 R.O'Neill, .

202480 80678 ENGL 103.10     Denaturing "Nature"                                                                                    1                  14        13   15 A.Quinn, .

202480 80679 ENGL 103.11     Writing the Race                                                                                       1                  14        14   15 J.Schoenfeld, .

202480 80680 ENGL 103.12     Authorship                                                                                             1                  14        14   15 M.Suazo, .

202480 80681 ENGL 103.13     Retell, Reimagining, Revision                                                                                             15        15   15 I.Sukrungruang, .

202480 80682 ENGL 103.14     Waste Lands                                                                                            3                  12        12   15 O.Tierney, .

202480 80723 ENGL 103.15     Practitioners as Authors                                                                               1                  14        14   15 A.Scanlon, .

Office of the Registrar
01:50 pm, Friday July 26, 2024
Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses with Reserved Seats

01:50 pm, Friday July 26, 2024

term   CRN   Course          title                               MAJ      MAJ_AVAI        SR  SR_AVAIL        JR   jR_AVAIL        SO  SO_AVAIL        FR  FR_AVAIL  max instructor
------ ----- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---- -------------------------
202480 80724 ENGL 103.16     Monstrous Forms                                                                                        1                  14        14   15 K.Fleming, .

202480 80683 ENGL 200.01     Intro Fiction Writing                                         1                   6         -1         6                                 14 A.Quinn, .

202480 80684 ENGL 200.02     Intro Fiction Writing                                         2                   5          0         8         1                       15 A.Quinn, .

202480 80685 ENGL 201.00     Introduction to Poetry Writing                                2                   5          0         8                                 15 A.Grace, .

202480 80686 ENGL 202.00     Intro Creative Nonfict Writing                                2                   5          0         8                                 15 I.Sukrungruang, .

202480 80687 ENGL 206.00     Intro Science & Nature Writing                                4                   6          0         4                                 14 J.Brown, P.Paula

202480 80725 ENGL 240.00     Restoration & Early 18C Lit                                                                           16                                 17 K.Fleming, .

202480 80689 ENGL 266.00     Decolonization and Violence                                                                           18         5                       18 K.Fernando, .

202480 80690 ENGL 267.00     Lit, Medicine, and Culture                                                                            18         3                       18 T.Lau, .

202480 80691 ENGL 271.00     Books and the Booker                                                                                  18                                 18 P.Murthy, .

202480 80409 ENGL 291.01     ST: Queer Flora, Fauna & Fungi                                1                   1          0        14                                 18 F.Cannon, .

202480 80519 ENGL 291.02     ST: Theft and Originality                                                                             18                                 18 J.Galvao, .

202480 80380 ENVS 112.01     Intro to Environmental Studies                                4                   4          0        12                  15        15   35 R.Alexander, .

202480 80381 ENVS 112.02     Intro to Environmental Studies                                4                   5          0        11         1        15        13   35 J.Bragg, .

202480 80490 FILM 111.01     Introduction to Film                                          2                   2          0         5                  13        13   22 J.Tazewell, .

202480 80492 FILM 111.02     Introduction to Film                                                              2          0         4        -1        16        16   22 H.Zhou, .

202480 80495 FILM 111.03     Introduction to Film                                                              2          0         4         1        16        16   22 D.Staff, .

202480 80500 FILM 243.00     Basic Cinematography                                                                                                      12        12   12 H.Zhou, .

202480 80332 GERM 111Y.00    Intensive Intro German                                        1                                        2                  15        15   18 P.Gebhardt, .

202480 80276 GSS 111.00      Intro to Gender & SexualitySt                                                                                             10        10   25 J.Pruett, .

202480 80277 GSS 121.00      Intro to Queer Studies                                                                                                     5         5   25 L.Herold, .

202480 80471 HIST 145.00     Early Africa                                                                                           5        -1        10        10   25 S.Volz, .

202480 80483 HIST 387.02     Practice and Theory of History      HIST- 10 HIST-6                                                                                      10 L.Li, .

202480 80282 INDS 142.00     Access Denied Science Info Lit                                                                                             8         8   12 A.Jenkins, .

202480 80283 INDS 150.00     Doing the Work: Productivity                                  2                   3          0         3                  17        16   25 T.Mason, .

202480 80665 INDS 291.00     ST: Science & Nature Fictn Wrt                                6                                                                          15 J.Slonczewski, .

202480 80456 INST 201.00     Expansion of Intern'l Society                                                                         20         1                       20 C.Pettersen, .

202480 80122 ITAL 111Y.00    Intensive Intro Italian                                                                                3                  15        15   18 S.Dubrovic, .

202480 80734 ITAL 111Y.02    Intensive Intro Italian                                                                                                   18        18   18 S.Guslandi, .

202480 80404 JAPN 111Y.00    Intensive Intro Mod Japanese                                  1                                        1        -1        16        16   18 T.Kojima, .

202480 80406 JAPN 291.00     ST: Japn Lit Vis Culture (Eng)                                                    3          0         1                                 20 Y.Ishida, .

202480 80390 LATN 101Y.01    Elementary Latin                                                                                                          16        16   22 M.Barich, .

202480 80393 LATN 101Y.02    Elementary Latin                                                                                                          11        11   22 Z.Kontes, .

202480 80543 MUSC 101.00     Basic Musicianship                                            5                   5          0         5                  12        11   27 B.Locke, .

202480 80545 MUSC 121Y.00    Music Theory                                                                      1          0        10                  16        16   27 T.Buehrer, .

202480 80555 MUSC 224.00     Songwriting                                                   4        -1                              3        -1        11        11   18 R.Feller, .

202480 80433 NEUR 250.00     Research Design & Analysis          NEUR- 10 NEUR-5                                                                                      20 R.Pedroza Llinas, .

202480 80438 NEUR 471.01     Current Topics in Neuroscience      NEUR- 10 NEUR-0                                                                                      10 H.McFarlane, .

202480 80439 NEUR 471.02     Current Topics in Neuroscience      NEUR- 10 NEUR-0                                                                                      10 S.Petersen, .

202480 80264 PHIL 100.00     Introduction to Philosophy                                                                                                15        14   25 R.Waller, .

202480 80265 PHIL 110.00     Introduction to Ethics                                                                                                    15        15   25 R.Waller, .

202480 80290 PSYC 100.01     Introduction to Psychology                                                                            20         1        20        20   40 A.Engell, .

202480 80292 PSYC 100.02     Introduction to Psychology                                                                            21                  19        17   40 A.Engell, .

202480 80293 PSYC 200.01     Stat Analysis in Psychology         PSYC- 13 PSYC-0                                                                                      13 Long, .

202480 80294 PSYC 200.02     Stat Analysis in Psychology         PSYC- 13 PSYC-0                                                                                      13 Long, .

202480 80296 PSYC 210.00     Social Mind, Social Brain           PSYC- 13 PSYC-0                                                                                      20 A.Engell, .

202480 80298 PSYC 221.00     Abnormal Psychology                 PSYC- 15 PSYC-0                                                                                      20 I.Lopez, .

202480 80299 PSYC 223.00     Child Development                   PSYC- 15 PSYC-0                                                                                      20 D.Krieg, .

202480 80300 PSYC 225.00     Social Psychology                   PSYC- 15 PSYC-0                                                                                      20 M.Stevenson, .

202480 80301 PSYC 228.00     Latino Psychology                   PSYC- 15 PSYC-4                                                                                      20 I.Lopez, .

202480 80304 PSYC 250.01     Research Methods in Psychology      PSYC- 15 PSYC--2                                                                                     15 S.Murnen, .

202480 80306 PSYC 250.02     Research Methods in Psychology      PSYC- 15 PSYC-10                                                                                     15 T.Payne, .

202480 80311 PSYC 350.00     Psychology in Context                                         8                   2          1                                           10 D.Krieg, .

202480 80330 RLST 102.01     1st Yr Sem: Encounter Religion                                                                                            14        14   14 J.Brennan, .

202480 80351 RLST 140.00     Intro to Islamic Tradition                                                                                                 3         3   22 V.Schubel, .

202480 80326 RLST 160.00     Buddhist Thought and Practice                                                     6          1         8         1         6         5   20 J.Brennan, .

202480 80327 RLST 165.00     Jew-ish in a Modern World                                                         5          0         7                   6         6   22 K.Dalton, .

202480 80493 SOCY 102.00     Social Dreamers                                                                                                           12        12   12 G.McCarthy, .

202480 80496 SOCY 108.00     Public Life                                                                                                               15        15   25 C.Villegas, .

202480 80389 SPAN 111Y.01    Self & Society:Intensive Intro                                                    2          0         3                  13        13   18 M.Sierra, .

202480 80391 SPAN 111Y.02    Self & Society:Intensive Intro                                                    2          0         4                  12        12   18 T.Landry, .

202480 80392 SPAN 111Y.03    Self & Society:Intensive Intro                                                                         5                  13        13   18 D.Hartnett, .

202480 80738 SPAN 111Y.04    Self & Society:Intensive Intro                                                                         3                  15        15   18 D.Staff, .

202480 80397 SPAN 213Y.02    Lang & Culture: Int Span                                      1                   2          0         8         3                       18 D.del Río Arrillaga, .

202480 80398 SPAN 321.01     Lit & Film: Adv Writing Span                                  1                   5          0         4                                 18 D.del Río Arrillaga, .

202510 10073 AMES 490.00     SrSem:Asia Comprtv Perspective                                6         6                                                                10 V.Schubel, .

202510 10709 AMST 108.00     America and The '60s                                                                                                       6         6   12 F.Gourrier, .

202510 10593 ANTH 111.01     Intro Biological Anthropology                                                                         12        12        12        12   24 K.Murphy, .

202510 10594 ANTH 111.02     Intro Biological Anthropology                                                                         12        12        12        12   24 J.Bragg, .

202510 10595 ANTH 112.00     Introduction to Archaeology                                                                                               12        12   24 C.Novotny, .

202510 10596 ANTH 113.01     Intr to Cultural Anthropology                                                                                             12        12   24 T.Gallareta Cervera, .

202510 10597 ANTH 113.02     Intr to Cultural Anthropology                                                                                             12        12   24 E.Williamson, .

202510 10598 ANTH 113.03     Intr to Cultural Anthropology                                                                                             15        15   20 S.Pack, .

202510 10600 ANTH 150.00     Science and Pseudoscience                                                                             12        12        12        12   24 B.Hardy, .

202510 10757 ARHS 110.01     Intro Western Art:Ancient-Med                                 3         3         5          5         5         5        15        15   28 A.LaGatta, .

202510 10758 ARHS 110.02     Intro Western Art:Ancient-Med                                 3         3         5          5         5         5        15        15   28 A.LaGatta, .

202510 10462 ARHS 114.00     Introduction to Asian Art                                     5         5         5          5         5         5        13        13   28 S.Blick, .

202510 10466 ARHS 115.00     Intro Islamic Art & Architect                                 5         5         5          5         5         5        13        13   28 B.Hostetler, .

202510 10467 ARHS 116.00     Introduction to African Art                                   5         5         5          5         5         5        13        13   28 K.Calvin, .

202510 10540 ARHS 191.00     ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                                      5         5         5          5         5         5        13        13   28 D.Ezor, .

202510 10634 ARTS 102.01     Drawing I                                                     1         1         2          2         4         4         5         5   12 D.Staff, .

202510 10635 ARTS 102.02     Drawing I                                                     1         1         2          2         4         4         5         5   12 D.Staff, .

202510 10636 ARTS 103.00     Sculpture I                                                   1         1         2          2         4         4         5         5   12 M.Ishimura, .

202510 10637 ARTS 106.00     Photography I                                                 1         1         3          3         4         4         4         4   12 M.Hackbardt, .

202510 10638 ARTS 107.00     Digital Imaging                                               1         1         2          2         4         4         5         5   12 D.Staff, .

202510 10640 ARTS 191.00     ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                                      1         1         2          2         4         4         5         5   12 D.Staff, .

202510 10642 ARTS 230.00     Figure Drawing                                                3         3         5          5         4         4                       12 D.Staff, .

202510 10644 ARTS 291.01     ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                                      2         2         4          4         4         4         2         2   12 M.Ishimura, .

202510 10645 ARTS 291.02     ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                                      3         3         5          5         4         4                       12 D.Staff, .

202510 10646 ARTS 291.03     ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL                                      3         3         5          5         4         4                       12 D.Staff, .

202510 10653 ARTS 329.00     Contemporary Photo Practice                                   4         4         5          5         4         4         1         1   14 M.Hackbardt, .

202510 10647 ARTS 351.00     Contemp Painting Practices                                    3         3         5          5         4         4                       12 C.Hill, .

202510 10654 ARTS 370.00     Web Media                                                     4         4         4          4         4         4                       12 D.Staff, .

202510 10610 CHEM 110.00     Environmental Chemistry                                                                                                    4         4   16 D.Staff, .

Office of the Registrar
01:50 pm, Friday July 26, 2024
Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses with Reserved Seats

01:50 pm, Friday July 26, 2024

term   CRN   Course          title                               MAJ      MAJ_AVAI        SR  SR_AVAIL        JR   jR_AVAIL        SO  SO_AVAIL        FR  FR_AVAIL  max instructor
------ ----- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---- -------------------------

202510 10611 CHEM 124.01     Introductory Chemistry II                                                                                                 20        20   45 S.Garcia, .

202510 10612 CHEM 124.02     Introductory Chemistry II                                                                                                 20        20   45 J.Keller, .

202510 10613 CHEM 126.01     Introductory Chemistry Lab II                                                                                             10        10   14 S.Garcia, .

202510 10614 CHEM 126.02     Introductory Chemistry Lab II                                                                                             10        10   14 S.Kuyuldar, .

202510 10615 CHEM 126.03     Introductory Chemistry Lab II                                                                                             10        10   14 D.Staff, .

202510 10616 CHEM 126.04     Introductory Chemistry Lab II                                                                                             10        10   14 C.Mauck, .

202510 10617 CHEM 231.01     Organic Chemistry I                                                                                                        7         7   25 M.Hunsen, .

202510 10618 CHEM 231.02     Organic Chemistry I                                                                                                        7         7   25 M.Hunsen, .

202510 10619 CHEM 233.01     Organic Chemistry Lab I                                                                                5         5         5         5   15 Y.Getzler, .

202510 10620 CHEM 233.02     Organic Chemistry Lab I                                                                                5         5         5         5   15 J.Hofferberth, .

202510 10621 CHEM 233.03     Organic Chemistry Lab I                                                                                5         5         5         5   15 S.Kuyuldar, .

202510 10622 CHEM 233.04     Organic Chemistry Lab I                                                                                5         5         5         5   15 D.Staff, .

202510 10401 CLAS 112.00     Roman History                                                 8         8         7          7         7         7         8         8   30 A.Serfass, .

202510 10517 DANC 103.00     Movement for Performance                                      4         4         5          5         6         6         5         5   20 K.Radella Feller, .

202510 10518 DANC 104.00     Yoga                                                          5         5         7          7         7         7         6         6   25 K.Radella Feller, .

202510 10519 DANC 107.00     Roller-Dance                                                  3         3         4          4         4         4         4         4   15 I.Harris, .

202510 10502 DRAM 111.00     Introduction to the Theater                                                                                               12        12   14 A.Dudley, .

202510 10420 ECON 102.01     Princ of Macroeconomics                                                                                4         4        16        16   25 P.Glandon, .

202510 10421 ECON 102.02     Princ of Macroeconomics                                                                                4         4        16        16   25 P.Glandon, .

202510 10422 ECON 102.03     Princ of Macroeconomics                                                                                4         4        16        16   25 D.Kolliner, .

202510 10423 ECON 102.04     Princ of Macroeconomics                                                                                8         8        16        16   25 H.Li, .

202510 10424 ECON 102.05     Princ of Macroeconomics                                                                                8         8        16        16   25 H.Li, .

202510 10658 ENGL 104.03     The Assault of Laughter                                                                                3         3        12        12   15 A.Grace, .

202510 10659 ENGL 104.04     Literary Locations                                                                                     3         3        12        12   15 P.Murthy, .

202510 10660 ENGL 104.05     Authorship                                                                                             3         3        12        12   15 M.Suazo, .

202510 10661 ENGL 104.06     Waste Lands                                                                                            3         3        12        12   15 O.Tierney, .

202510 10662 ENGL 200.01     Intro Fiction Writing                                         3         3         4          4         4         4         4         4   15 K.Parssinen, .

202510 10663 ENGL 200.02     Intro Fiction Writing                                         3         3         4          4         4         4         4         4   15 K.Parssinen, .

202510 10664 ENGL 200.03     Intro Fiction Writing                                         3         3         4          4         4         4         4         4   15 J.Galvao, .

202510 10665 ENGL 201.00     Introduction to Poetry Writing                                3         3         4          4         4         4         4         4   15 A.Grace, .

202510 10666 ENGL 202.00     Intro Creative Nonfict Writing                                3         3         4          4         4         4         4         4   15 K.Parssinen, .

202510 10668 ENGL 212.00     Intro to Literary Theory                                                                               8         8        12        12   20 J.Matz, .

202510 10670 ENGL 220.00     Shakespeare                                                                                            8         8        12        12   20 A.Davidson, .

202510 10671 ENGL 227.00     Love, Sex and Desire                                                                                   8         8        12        12   20 R.O'Neill, .

202510 10672 ENGL 235.00     Poetic Inheritances                                                                                    8         8        12        12   20 J.Brown, .

202510 10673 ENGL 240.00     Restoration & Early 18C Lit                                                                            8         8        12        12   20 T.Lau, .

202510 10674 ENGL 268.00     Climate Emergencies                                                                                    8         8        12        12   20 O.Tierney, .

202510 10675 ENGL 273.00     Latino/Latina Lit and Film                                                                             8         8        12        12   20 M.Suazo, .

202510 10397 ENVS 342.00     Disease Ecology                     ENVS- 9  ENVS-9                                                                                      18 I.Levin, .

202510 10511 FILM 112.00     Dramatic Structure for Film         FILM- 10 FILM-10                                                   2         2         6         6   18 J.Tazewell, .

202510 10515 FILM 230.00     Writing the Short Film              FILM- 12 FILM-12                                                                                     12 H.Zhou, .

202510 10516 FILM 231.00     Screenwriting                       FILM- 12 FILM-12                                                                                     12 J.Sherman, .

202510 10514 FILM 291.00     ST: PENDING CPC APPROVAL            FILM- 18 FILM-18                                                                                     18 H.Zhou, .

202510 10513 FILM 480.00     Senior Seminar in Film              FILM- 20 FILM-20                                                                                     20 H.Zhou, .

202510 10482 HIST 132.00     Modern Europe                                                                                                             10        10   25 L.Jannette, .

202510 10483 HIST 146.00     Modern Africa                                                                                          5         5        10        10   25 S.Volz, .

202510 10484 HIST 160.00     Modern East Asia                                                                                                          10        10   25 L.Li, .

202510 10496 HIST 387.00     Practice and Theory of History      HIST- 10 HIST-10                                                                                     12 S.Volz, .

202510 10472 INST 201.00     Expansion of Intern'l Society                                                                         20        20                       20 C.Pettersen, .

202510 10555 MUSC 124.00     Intro to Computer Music                                       7         7         6          6         6         6         6         6   25 R.Feller, .

202510 10443 NEUR 250.00     Research Design & Analysis          NEUR- 10 NEUR-10                                                                                     20 D.Staff, .

202510 10752 PHIL 100.00     Introduction to Philosophy                                                                                                15        15   25 H.Lottenbach, .

202510 10283 PHIL 110.00     Introduction to Ethics                                                                                                    10        10   25 R.Waller, .

202510 10316 PSYC 100.00     Introduction to Psychology                                                                            15        15        15        15   30 A.Aggarwal, .

202510 10317 PSYC 200.00     Stat Analysis in Psychology         PSYC- 13 PSYC-13                                                                                     13 S.Murnen, .

202510 10318 PSYC 201.00     Cognitive Psychology                PSYC- 15 PSYC-15                                                                                     20 Long, .

202510 10319 PSYC 221.00     Abnormal Psychology                 PSYC- 15 PSYC-15                                                                                     20 A.Aggarwal, .

202510 10320 PSYC 225.00     Social Psychology                   PSYC- 15 PSYC-15                                                                                     20 P.Ewell, .

202510 10321 PSYC 227.00     Cross-Cultural Psychology           PSYC- 15 PSYC-15                                                                                     20 I.Lopez, .

202510 10389 PSYC 343.00     Children, Psyc & the Law            PSYC- 15 PSYC-15                                                                                     15 M.Stevenson, .

202510 10747 RLST 101.02     Religion in Its Global Context                                                    5          5         5         5        10        10   20 J.Brennan, .

202510 10354 RLST 115.01     The Bible and Its Interpreters                                                    5          5         7         7         7         7   22 K.Dalton, .

202510 10524 SOCY 102.00     Social Dreamers                                                                                                           12        12   12 G.McCarthy, .

202510 10527 SOCY 107.00     Institutions and Inequalities                                                                         10        10        15        15   25 A.Johnson, .

Office of the Registrar
01:50 pm, Friday July 26, 2024
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