Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses with Community Engaged Learning Components
Note that:
Terms ending in "80" = Fall
Terms ending in "10" = Spring

07:50 am, Tuesday January 21, 2025

TERM   SUBJ NUM   TITLE                          CEL   INSTRUCTOR
------ ---- ----- ------------------------------ ----- ------------------------------
202480 ANTH 112   Introduction to Archaeology    CEL   Petras, E
       ANTH 157   Life Along the Kokosing        CEL   Hardy, B
       ANTH 300   Arch of the African Diaspora   CEL   Petras, E

202480 ARHS 191   ST: Intro Art of the Americas  CEL   Ezor, D
       ARHS 291   ST: Art of Col Lat Am & Carrib CEL   Ezor, D

202480 BIOL 211   Health Service & Biomed Analys CEL   Kropp, P
       BIOL 262   Experimental Animal Behavior   CEL   Levin, I

202480 DANC 220   Dance Labanotation             CEL   Brodie, J
       DRAM 291   ST: Theater for Social Change  CEL   Lippard, L
       FILM 243   Basic Cinematography           CEL   Zhou, H

202480 ENGL 103   Denaturing "Nature"            CEL   Quinn, A
       ENGL 291   ST: Queer Flora, Fauna & Fungi CEL   Cannon, F

202480 ENVS 112   Intro to Environmental Studies CEL   Bragg, J
       ENVS 112   Intro to Environmental Studies CEL   Alexander, R
       ENVS 210   Intro Environmental Lab        CEL   Schmitt, L
       ENVS 253   Sustainable Agriculture        CEL   Schmitt, L
       ENVS 261   Geographic Information Science CEL   Holdener, E

202480 HIST 291   ST: History of NA Wilderness   CEL   Bottiger, P
       HIST 491   ST: European Drinking Cultures CEL   Jannette, L

202480 LGLS 110   Introduction to Legal Studies  CEL   Levesque, C

202480 FREN 321   Adv Composition & Conversation CEL   Guiney, M
       FREN 321   Adv Composition & Conversation CEL   Dairon, P
       ITAL 213Y  Language and Culture           CEL   Richards, P
       SPAN 391   ST: Racialized Bodies on Displ CEL   Couso Diaz, S

202480 MUSC 472   Knox County Symphony           CEL   Locke, B

202480 NEUR 212   Neuroscience                   CEL   Rudolph, L

202480 PSCI 303   Campaigns and Elections        CEL   McGee, Z
       PSCI 355   Immigrtn, Ctzshp, & Natl Ident CEL   Powers, N

202480 PSYC 223   Child Development              CEL   Krieg, D
       PSYC 342   Helping Professions in Psyc    CEL   Aggarwal, A
       PSYC 350   Psychology in Context          CEL   Krieg, D

202480 RLST 130   Religion & Society in America  CEL   Rocklin, A
       RLST 205   Jewish Magic                   CEL   Dalton, K

202410 AMST 291   ST: August Wilson              CEL   Tazewell, J

202410 DANC 228   Choreography II                CEL   Radella, K
       DRAM 291   ST: August Wilson              CEL   Tazewell, J

202410 ENGL 301   Intermediate Poetry Writing    CEL   Ok, C

202410 ENVS 112   Intro to Environmental Studies CEL   Schmitt, L
       ENVS 391   ST: Ecol of Managed Ecosystems CEL   Schmitt, L

202410 HIST 191   ST: U.S. Social Movements      CEL   Kuchinski, A
       HIST 191   ST: Witness to History         CEL   Ablovatski, E
       HIST 209   History of N Amer Indians      CEL   Bottiger, P

202410 INDS 120   Method Promoting Sci Understan CEL   Rouhier, M

202410 MATH 128   Hist of Math in Islamic World  CEL   Aydin, N

202410 FREN 391   ST: Superntl in Migration: SN  CEL   Dieng, R

202410 MUSC 472   Knox County Symphony           CEL   Locke, B

202410 PSYC 224   Educational Psychology         CEL   Krieg, D
       PSYC 235   Environmental Psychology       CEL   Dickens, L

202380 ARHS 291   ST: Contemp Native Amer Art    CEL   Ozerkevich, R

202380 BIOL 211   Health Service & Biomed Analys CEL   Slonczewski, J

202380 FILM 267   The Documentary                CEL   Zhou, H

202380 ENGL 103   Denaturing "Nature"            CEL   Quinn, A
       ENGL 103   Waste Lands                    CEL   Tierney, O

202380 ENVS 210   Intro Environmental Lab        CEL   Heindel, R
       ENVS 253   Sustainable Agriculture        CEL   Schmitt, L

202380 LGLS 110   Introduction to Legal Studies  CEL   Levesque, C

202380 RUSS 291   ST: Soviet SciFi & Adv (Engl)  CEL   Aydinyan, A

202380 MUSC 472   Knox County Symphony           CEL   Locke, B

202380 PSCI 300   Congress&Public Policymaking   CEL   McGee, Z

202380 PSYC 223   Child Development              CEL   Krieg, D
       PSYC 231   Positive Psychology            CEL   Dickens, L
       PSYC 350   Psychology in Context          CEL   Krieg, D

202380 RLST 205   Jewish Magic                   CEL   Dalton, K

202380 SOCY 224   Health and Illness             CEL   Cottingham, M

202310 ANTH 157   Life Along the Kokosing        CEL   Hardy, B
       ANTH 391   ST: Primate Conservation Sci   CEL   Iyer, N

202310 ENGL 291   ST: Animal Minds               CEL   Iyer, G

202310 HIST 176   Contemporary Black History     CEL   Pawlikowski, M
       HIST 191   ST: Early Caribbean History    CEL   Pawlikowski, M

202310 INDS 120   Method Promoting Sci Understan CEL   Rouhier, M

Office of the Registrar
07:50 am, Tuesday January 21, 2025
Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses with Community Engaged Learning Components
Note that:
Terms ending in "80" = Fall
Terms ending in "10" = Spring

07:50 am, Tuesday January 21, 2025

TERM   SUBJ NUM   TITLE                          CEL   INSTRUCTOR
------ ---- ----- ------------------------------ ----- ------------------------------

202310 MUSC 325   State of the Art               CEL   Buehrer, T

202310 NEUR 347   Psychopharmacology             CEL   McFarlane, H

202310 PSCI 355   Immigrtn, Ctzshp, & Natl Ident CEL   Powers, N

202280 ANTH 256   Habitat and Humanity           CEL   Novotny, C
       ANTH 327   Narrative Lives                CEL   Pack, S

202280 ECON 332   Urban and Regional Economics   CEL   Black, K

202280 ENGL 103   Building Relationships         CEL   Garcia, D
       ENGL 391   ST: Advanced Poetry            CEL   Correa, C

202280 ENVS 210   Intro Environmental Lab        CEL   Heindel, R
       ENVS 253   Sustainable Agriculture        CEL   Bragg, J

202280 LGLS 110   Introduction to Legal Studies  CEL   Bender-Baird, K

202280 FREN 321   Adv Composition & Conversation CEL   Dairon, P

202280 MUSC 472   Knox County Symphony           CEL   Locke, B

202280 PSYC 231   Positive Psychology            CEL   Dickens, L

202210 ANTH 353   Engaged Archaeology            CEL   Novotny, C

202210 ENGL 268   Climate Emergencies            CEL   Tierney, O
       ENGL 291   ST: Animal Minds               CEL   Iyer, G

202210 HIST 102D  United States Hist, 1865-Pres  CEL   Pawlikowski, M
       HIST 209   History of N Amer Indians      CEL   Pawlikowski, M
       HIST 338   Revolt, Rebellion, Revolution  CEL   Ablovatski, E

202210 MATH 348   Software & System Design       CEL   Skon, J

202210 PSYC 224   Educational Psychology         CEL   Krieg, D

202080 AMST 291   ST: Diversity Heartland: Remix CEL   Sheffield, R

202080 ECON 347   Econ of the Public Sector      CEL   Black, K

202080 MATH 128   Hist of Math in Islamic World  CEL   Aydin, N

202080 PSCI 355   Immigrtn, Ctzshp, & Natl Ident CEL   Powers, N

202010 AMST 330   Sankofa Project: Urban Ed.     CEL   Rutkoff, P
       AMST 391   ST: Latinx Placemaking in US   CEL   Flores, N
       AMST 391   ST: Diversity in the Heartland CEL   Sheffield, R

202010 ANTH 312D  Music, Film and Culture        CEL   Mendonca, M

202010 DRAM 291   ST:Community-Engaged Puppetry  CEL   Wolf, R

202010 ECON 332   Urban and Regional Economics   CEL   Black, K

202010 ENGL 291   ST: Climate Emergencies        CEL   Tierney, O

202010 INDS 120   Method Promoting Sci Understan CEL   Rouhier, M
       INDS 231   The Holocaust                  CEL   Riegert, L

202010 LGLS 371   Exploring Law                  CEL   Lee, J

202010 MATH 348   Software & System Design       CEL   Skon, J

202010 MUSC 312D  Music, Film and Culture        CEL   Mendonca, M
       MUSC 325   State of the Art               CEL   Buehrer, T

202010 PSCI 351   States, Nations, Nationalism   CEL   Mood, M

202010 PSYC 324   Educational Psychology         CEL   White, A
       PSYC 331   Positive Psychology            CEL   Dickens, L

202010 RLST 382   Prophecy                       CEL   Dean-Otting, M

202010 SOCY 375   Community-Based Research       CEL   Johnson, A

202010 WGS  331   Gender, Power, and Knowledge   CEL   Erler, H

201980 AMST 391   ST: Diversity in the Heartland CEL   Sheffield, R

201980 ANTH 157   Life Along the Kokosing        CEL   Hardy, B
       ANTH 256   Habitat and Humanity           CEL   Novotny, C
       ANTH 291   ST: Tales from the Crypt       CEL   Murphy, K

201980 BIOL 211   Health Service & Biomed Analys CEL   Hicks, K
       BIOL 391   ST: Topics in Immunology       CEL   Smith, A

201980 DANC 227   Choreography I                 CEL   Craig-Quijada, B

201980 ENVS 253   Sustainable Agriculture        CEL   Hottle, R

201980 INDS 160   Community Healthcare           CEL   Thomas, J

201980 MATH 128   Hist of Math in Islamic World  CEL   Aydin, N

201980 MLL  191   ST: Early Foreign Lang Develop CEL   Malone, M
       SPAN 380   Prod of the Borderlands        CEL   Roman-Odio, C

201980 PSCI 446   Politics of the Welfare State  CEL   Camerra-Rowe, P

Office of the Registrar
07:50 am, Tuesday January 21, 2025
Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses with Community Engaged Learning Components
Note that:
Terms ending in "80" = Fall
Terms ending in "10" = Spring

07:50 am, Tuesday January 21, 2025

TERM   SUBJ NUM   TITLE                          CEL   INSTRUCTOR
------ ---- ----- ------------------------------ ----- ------------------------------

201980 PSYC 350   Psychology in Context          CEL   Krieg, D

201910 ANTH 353   Engaged Archaeology            CEL   Novotny, C

201910 CHEM 401   Chemistry and Biochem Seminar  CEL   Hemkin, S

201910 INDS 191   ST: Methods Promoting Science  CEL   Rouhier, M

201910 LGLS 371   Exploring Law                  CEL   Lowan, T

201910 JAPN 191   ST: Spirits, Ghosts, Monsters  CEL   Xie, K
       RUSS 225   Fall of USSR Lit & Film (Engl) CEL   Aydinyan, A

201910 PSCI 355   Immigrtn, Ctzshp, & Natl Ident CEL   Powers, N

201910 RLST 228   Christianity Global South      CEL   Maldonado Rivera, D
       RLST 382   Prophecy                       CEL   Dean-Otting, M

201910 SOCY 224   Health and Illness             CEL   Johnson, A

201880 ANTH 256   Habitat and Humanity           CEL   Novotny, C

201880 BIOL 211   Health Service & Biomed Analys CEL   Powell, W

201880 DANC 240   Directed Teaching              CEL   Brodie, J

201880 MATH 128   Hist of Math in Islamic World  CEL   Aydin, N

201880 MLL  191   ST:Japanese Diaspora Latin Am  CEL   Gondar, J
       SPAN 381   Contemp Latino/a Literature    CEL   Roman-Odio, C

201880 PSYC 350   Psychology in Context          CEL   Krieg, D

201880 SOCY 391   ST: Community Based Research   CEL   Golding, S

Office of the Registrar
07:50 am, Tuesday January 21, 2025
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