Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses with Community Engaged Learning Components
Note that:
Terms ending in "80" = Fall
Terms ending in "10" = Spring

01:50 pm, Monday March 31, 2025

TERM   SUBJ NUM   TITLE                          CEL   INSTRUCTOR
------ ---- ----- ------------------------------ ----- ------------------------------
202480 ANTH 112   Introduction to Archaeology    CEL   Petras,E
       ANTH 157   Life Along the Kokosing        CEL   Hardy,B
       ANTH 300   Arch of the African Diaspora   CEL   Petras,E

202480 ARHS 191   ST: Intro Art of the Americas  CEL   Ezor,D
       ARHS 291   ST: Art of Col Lat Am & Carrib CEL   Ezor,D

202480 BIOL 211   Health Service & Biomed Analys CEL   Kropp,P
       BIOL 262   Experimental Animal Behavior   CEL   Levin,I

202480 DANC 220   Dance Labanotation             CEL   Brodie,J
       DRAM 291   ST: Theater for Social Change  CEL   Lippard,L
       FILM 243   Basic Cinematography           CEL   Zhou,H

202480 ENGL 103   Denaturing "Nature"            CEL   Quinn,A
       ENGL 291   ST: Queer Flora, Fauna & Fungi CEL   Cannon,F

202480 ENVS 112   Intro to Environmental Studies CEL   Bragg,J
       ENVS 112   Intro to Environmental Studies CEL   Alexander,R
       ENVS 210   Intro Environmental Lab        CEL   Schmitt,L
       ENVS 253   Sustainable Agriculture        CEL   Schmitt,L
       ENVS 261   Geographic Information Science CEL   Holdener,E

202480 HIST 291   ST: History of NA Wilderness   CEL   Bottiger,P
       HIST 491   ST: European Drinking Cultures CEL   Jannette,L

202480 LGLS 110   Introduction to Legal Studies  CEL   Levesque,C

202480 FREN 321   Adv Composition & Conversation CEL   Guiney,M
       FREN 321   Adv Composition & Conversation CEL   Dairon,P
       ITAL 213Y  Language and Culture           CEL   Richards,P
       SPAN 391   ST: Racialized Bodies on Displ CEL   Couso Diaz,S

202480 MUSC 472   Knox County Symphony           CEL   Locke,B

202480 NEUR 212   Neuroscience                   CEL   Rudolph,L

202480 PSCI 303   Campaigns and Elections        CEL   McGee,Z
       PSCI 355   Immigrtn, Ctzshp, & Natl Ident CEL   Powers,N

202480 PSYC 223   Child Development              CEL   Krieg,D
       PSYC 342   Helping Professions in Psyc    CEL   Aggarwal,A
       PSYC 350   Psychology in Context          CEL   Krieg,D

202480 RLST 130   Religion & Society in America  CEL   Rocklin,A
       RLST 205   Jewish Magic                   CEL   Dalton,K

202410 AMST 291   ST: August Wilson              CEL   Tazewell,J

202410 DANC 228   Choreography II                CEL   Radella Feller,K
       DRAM 291   ST: August Wilson              CEL   Tazewell,J

202410 ENGL 301   Intermediate Poetry Writing    CEL   Ok,C

202410 ENVS 112   Intro to Environmental Studies CEL   Schmitt,L
       ENVS 391   ST: Ecol of Managed Ecosystems CEL   Schmitt,L

202410 HIST 191   ST: Witness to History         CEL   Ablovatski,E
       HIST 191   ST: U.S. Social Movements      CEL   Kuchinski,A
       HIST 209   History of N Amer Indians      CEL   Bottiger,P

202410 INDS 120   Method Promoting Sci Understan CEL   Rouhier,M

202410 MATH 128   Hist of Math in Islamic World  CEL   Aydin,N

202410 FREN 391   ST: Superntl in Migration: SN  CEL   Dieng,R

202410 MUSC 472   Knox County Symphony           CEL   Locke,B

202410 PSYC 224   Educational Psychology         CEL   Krieg,D
       PSYC 235   Environmental Psychology       CEL   Dickens,L

202380 ARHS 291   ST: Contemp Native Amer Art    CEL   Ozerkevich,R

202380 BIOL 211   Health Service & Biomed Analys CEL   Slonczewski,J

202380 FILM 267   The Documentary                CEL   Zhou,H

202380 ENGL 103   Denaturing "Nature"            CEL   Quinn,A
       ENGL 103   Waste Lands                    CEL   Tierney,O

202380 ENVS 210   Intro Environmental Lab        CEL   Heindel,R
       ENVS 253   Sustainable Agriculture        CEL   Schmitt,L

202380 LGLS 110   Introduction to Legal Studies  CEL   Levesque,C

202380 RUSS 291   ST: Soviet SciFi & Adv (Engl)  CEL   Aydinyan,A

202380 MUSC 472   Knox County Symphony           CEL   Locke,B

202380 PSCI 300   Congress&Public Policymaking   CEL   McGee,Z

202380 PSYC 223   Child Development              CEL   Krieg,D
       PSYC 231   Positive Psychology            CEL   Dickens,L
       PSYC 350   Psychology in Context          CEL   Krieg,D

202380 RLST 205   Jewish Magic                   CEL   Dalton,K

202380 SOCY 224   Health and Illness             CEL   Cottingham,M

202310 ANTH 157   Life Along the Kokosing        CEL   Hardy,B
       ANTH 391   ST: Primate Conservation Sci   CEL   Iyer,N

202310 ENGL 291   ST: Animal Minds               CEL   Iyer,G

202310 HIST 176   Contemporary Black History     CEL   Pawlikowski,M
       HIST 191   ST: Early Caribbean History    CEL   Pawlikowski,M

202310 INDS 120   Method Promoting Sci Understan CEL   Rouhier,M

Office of the Registrar
01:50 pm, Monday March 31, 2025
Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses with Community Engaged Learning Components
Note that:
Terms ending in "80" = Fall
Terms ending in "10" = Spring

01:50 pm, Monday March 31, 2025

TERM   SUBJ NUM   TITLE                          CEL   INSTRUCTOR
------ ---- ----- ------------------------------ ----- ------------------------------

202310 MUSC 325   State of the Art               CEL   Buehrer,T

202310 NEUR 347   Psychopharmacology             CEL   McFarlane,H

202310 PSCI 355   Immigrtn, Ctzshp, & Natl Ident CEL   Powers,N

202280 ANTH 256   Habitat and Humanity           CEL   Novotny,C
       ANTH 327   Narrative Lives                CEL   Pack,S

202280 ECON 332   Urban and Regional Economics   CEL   Black,K

202280 ENGL 103   Building Relationships         CEL   Garcia,D
       ENGL 391   ST: Advanced Poetry            CEL   Correa,C

202280 ENVS 210   Intro Environmental Lab        CEL   Heindel,R
       ENVS 253   Sustainable Agriculture        CEL   Bragg,J

202280 LGLS 110   Introduction to Legal Studies  CEL   Bender-Baird,K

202280 FREN 321   Adv Composition & Conversation CEL   Dairon,P

202280 MUSC 472   Knox County Symphony           CEL   Locke,B

202280 PSYC 231   Positive Psychology            CEL   Dickens,L

202210 ANTH 353   Engaged Archaeology            CEL   Novotny,C

202210 ENGL 268   Climate Emergencies            CEL   Tierney,O
       ENGL 291   ST: Animal Minds               CEL   Iyer,G

202210 HIST 102D  United States Hist, 1865-Pres  CEL   Pawlikowski,M
       HIST 209   History of N Amer Indians      CEL   Pawlikowski,M
       HIST 338   Revolt, Rebellion, Revolution  CEL   Ablovatski,E

202210 MATH 348   Software & System Design       CEL   Skon,J

202210 PSYC 224   Educational Psychology         CEL   Krieg,D

202080 AMST 291   ST: Diversity Heartland: Remix CEL   Sheffield,R

202080 ECON 347   Econ of the Public Sector      CEL   Black,K

202080 MATH 128   Hist of Math in Islamic World  CEL   Aydin,N

202080 PSCI 355   Immigrtn, Ctzshp, & Natl Ident CEL   Powers,N

202010 AMST 330   Sankofa Project: Urban Ed.     CEL   Rutkoff,P
       AMST 330   Sankofa Project: Urban Ed.     CEL   Gourrier,F
       AMST 391   ST: Latinx Placemaking in US   CEL   Flores,N
       AMST 391   ST: Diversity in the Heartland CEL   Sheffield,R

202010 ANTH 312D  Music, Film and Culture        CEL   Mendonca,M

202010 DRAM 291   ST:Community-Engaged Puppetry  CEL   Wolf,R

202010 ECON 332   Urban and Regional Economics   CEL   Black,K

202010 ENGL 291   ST: Climate Emergencies        CEL   Tierney,O

202010 INDS 120   Method Promoting Sci Understan CEL   Rouhier,M
       INDS 231   The Holocaust                  CEL   Riegert,L

202010 LGLS 371   Exploring Law                  CEL   Lee,J

202010 MATH 348   Software & System Design       CEL   Skon,J

202010 MUSC 312D  Music, Film and Culture        CEL   Mendonca,M
       MUSC 325   State of the Art               CEL   Buehrer,T

202010 PSCI 351   States, Nations, Nationalism   CEL   Mood,M

202010 PSYC 324   Educational Psychology         CEL   White,A
       PSYC 331   Positive Psychology            CEL   Dickens,L

202010 RLST 382   Prophecy                       CEL   Dean-Otting,M

202010 SOCY 375   Community-Based Research       CEL   Johnson,A

202010 WGS  331   Gender, Power, and Knowledge   CEL   Erler,H

201980 AMST 391   ST: Diversity in the Heartland CEL   Sheffield,R

201980 ANTH 157   Life Along the Kokosing        CEL   Hardy,B
       ANTH 256   Habitat and Humanity           CEL   Novotny,C
       ANTH 291   ST: Tales from the Crypt       CEL   Murphy,K

201980 BIOL 211   Health Service & Biomed Analys CEL   Hicks,K
       BIOL 391   ST: Topics in Immunology       CEL   Smith,A

201980 DANC 227   Choreography I                 CEL   Craig-Quijada,B

201980 ENVS 253   Sustainable Agriculture        CEL   Hottle,R

201980 INDS 160   Community Healthcare           CEL   Thomas,J

201980 MATH 128   Hist of Math in Islamic World  CEL   Aydin,N

201980 MLL  191   ST: Early Foreign Lang Develop CEL   Gondar,J
       MLL  191   ST: Early Foreign Lang Develop CEL   Malone,M
       SPAN 380   Prod of the Borderlands        CEL   Román-Odio,C

201980 PSCI 446   Politics of the Welfare State  CEL   Camerra-Rowe,P

Office of the Registrar
01:50 pm, Monday March 31, 2025
Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Courses with Community Engaged Learning Components
Note that:
Terms ending in "80" = Fall
Terms ending in "10" = Spring

01:50 pm, Monday March 31, 2025

TERM   SUBJ NUM   TITLE                          CEL   INSTRUCTOR
------ ---- ----- ------------------------------ ----- ------------------------------

201980 PSYC 350   Psychology in Context          CEL   Krieg,D

201910 ANTH 353   Engaged Archaeology            CEL   Novotny,C

201910 CHEM 401   Chemistry and Biochem Seminar  CEL   Hemkin,S

201910 INDS 191   ST: Methods Promoting Science  CEL   Rouhier,M

201910 LGLS 371   Exploring Law                  CEL   Lowan,T

201910 JAPN 191   ST: Spirits, Ghosts, Monsters  CEL   Xie,K
       RUSS 225   Fall of USSR Lit & Film (Engl) CEL   Aydinyan,A

201910 PSCI 355   Immigrtn, Ctzshp, & Natl Ident CEL   Powers,N

201910 RLST 228   Christianity Global South      CEL   Maldonado Rivera,D
       RLST 382   Prophecy                       CEL   Dean-Otting,M

201910 SOCY 224   Health and Illness             CEL   Johnson,A

201880 ANTH 256   Habitat and Humanity           CEL   Novotny,C

201880 BIOL 211   Health Service & Biomed Analys CEL   Powell,W

201880 DANC 240   Directed Teaching              CEL   Brodie,J

201880 MATH 128   Hist of Math in Islamic World  CEL   Aydin,N

201880 MLL  191   ST:Japanese Diaspora Latin Am  CEL   Gondar,J
       SPAN 381   Contemp Latino/a Literature    CEL   Román-Odio,C

201880 PSYC 350   Psychology in Context          CEL   Krieg,D

201880 SOCY 391   ST: Community Based Research   CEL   Golding,S

Office of the Registrar
01:50 pm, Monday March 31, 2025
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